Dependent lists

When the Dependent check box is checked, additional properties become available on the bottom of the form.


The value of the Parent property is the name of the parent field and the list that it uses. The choices in this drop-down list are the names of only List fields that are already in the business object and have dependent lists. If the parent you want to select is not in this list, then check to see if it first needs to be added to the business object.


The value of the List property is the name of the dependent list that values for this field will be chosen from.

Each item in a dependent list is paired with an item from the parent list. When a value for this field is chosen, it must be chosen from items in the dependent list that are paired with the currently selected item in the parent list. For example, in the case of the list named State or Province, the list is set up as dependent on a list named Country.

The list named Country contains the names of countries including United States and Canada. The items in the list named State or Province include the US states and the Canadian provinces. Each of the US state names is paired with the name United States. Each of the Canadian province names is paired with the name Canada. When it is time to use the State or Province list to select an item, only those items that match the currently selected Country are offered as possible values.

If the current value of Country is United States, only the US states are offered as possible values because they are paired with United States. If the current value of Country is Canada, only the Canadian provinces are offered as possible values because they are paired with Canada.