Execution from URLs

After you create the integration object record, you can use a URL to pass parameters from an external application to trigger the Execute action. You can also use a URL to retrieve the results of an IBM® TRIRIGA® report-manager query in JSON format.

IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform version 3.3 or newer is required to trigger an event externally with a URL that contains the authentication credentials. You can specify authentication in one of the following ways:
  • Add the UserName and Password values to the HTTP request header in the standard security protocol of basic authorization.
  • Add the USERNAME Parameter and PASSWORD Parameter values and their corresponding UserName and Password values to the HTTP request header.
  • Add the USERNAME Parameter and PASSWORD Parameter values and their corresponding UserName and Password values as POST parameters or as a URL query string of the HTTP request.

Trigger the Execute action

To trigger the Execute action on the integration object record externally with a URL, you append a query string to the URL. The query string contains the credentials and sets the additional ioName parameter to the name of the integration object record. For example, to trigger a Geocode Address integration object record, you call the following URL:
If the URL triggers the Execute action on the integration object record as expected, a Successful message is returned.

Triggering the Execute action on an integration object record is an asynchronous event, so it is not possible to get the results of the integration process synchronously. If you need immediate feedback of the results, you can tie a notification event to the completion of the integration object record. Then, the IBM TRIRIGA application can notify you when the integration process is complete. Another option might be to poll IBM TRIRIGA for that information.

Retrieve the query results

Any query that is defined in the IBM TRIRIGA report manager can be executed externally with a URL. To specify the query, you use the following parameters:
Required parameter. Must be set to query.
Required parameter if no continue token is used. The module for the query, for example, triPeople.
Optional parameter. The business object for the query, for example, triPeople. If there is more than one business object, omit this parameter.
Required parameter if no continue token is used. The name of the query, for example, triEmployee - Find.
Optional parameter. The format of the returned results, which includes the following options:
Default format. Minimized JSON string.
Minimized JSON string, containing localized values. Localized values will appear in the string name value pairs where the name field is appended with _DISPLAY, for each record in the JSON results. For example, "name_DISPLAY":"Some Localized Value".
JSON string in print format for easier readability.
JSON string in print format for easier readability, containing localized values. Localized values will appear in the string name value pairs where the name field is appended with _DISPLAY, for each record in the JSON results. For example, "name_DISPLAY":"Some Localized Value".
Minimized XML string.
Minimized XML string, containing localized values. Localized values will appear in the displayValue child element of the column element, for each record in the XML results. For example, <displayValue><![CDATA[Some Localized Value]]></displayValue>.
XML string in print format for easier readability.
XML string in print format for easier readability, containing localized values. Localized values will appear in the displayValue child element of the column element, for each record in the XML results. For example, <displayValue><![CDATA[Some Localized Value]]></displayValue>.
Tab-delimited text.
Required parameter if the next batch of records is being requested. A continue token is returned when the number of query results exceeds the default 1000 results. When you attempt to retrieve the next batch of records, you must pass this parameter with the token that is specified in the previous response.
For example, to specify a query for all employees, you call the following URL: