Execution of DataConnect processes

When you select the inbound IBM® TRIRIGA® DataConnect scheme, the integration definition can run two types of DataConnect jobs. The standard type creates one job for the selected business object. The multiple type loads multiple staging tables and runs them as one job. The multiple type requires a dependent integration definition that is available in the workflow.

Standard type
When the integration definition runs, this type of DataConnect job follows the following process flow.
  1. Creates a job number from the maximum DC_JOB number.
  2. Inserts a new entry into the DC_JOB table with the new job number, business object, and status of 1 (New).
  3. Loads the staging table with the job number, form name, state of 2 (Ready), and action of 4 (Upsert).
  4. Updates the DC_JOB table with the status of 2 (Ready).
Multiple type
When the integration definition runs, this type of DataConnect job follows the following process flow.
  1. Creates a job number from the maximum DC_JOB number.
  2. Inserts a new entry into the DC_JOB table with the new job number, business object, and status of 1 (New).
  3. Loads the staging table with the job number, form name, state of 2 (Ready), and action of 4 (Upsert).
  4. Queries for the dependent integration definition (IntegrationObject Dependent) and repeats steps 1 - 4 until an integration definition no longer has a dependent integration definition.
  5. Updates the DC_JOB table with the status of 2 (Ready).