Using Deep Cleanup process

Starting with TRIRIGA® Application Platform 3.6.1 version, a new Deep Cleanup option is added to the Admin Console's Database Info page. This performs a deep-clean process by examining and removing stale and invalid data from both T_tables and metadata tables.

You should not run the cleanup process on a regular basis, and should use it only if processes or infrastructure problems beyond the control of TRIRIGA have introduced data inconsistencies, or if someone has gone in and deleted data directly from T_tables or metadata without running the normal cleanup process.

This process takes a while, and should be done on off-hours, on a quiet database. It is a good idea to use the TRIRIGA System Lock to prevent people from logging in while the process executes. You must also backup your database before executing this action, since it permanently deletes the data in these tables. The only recovery option is to restore from backup.

You can also run the cleanup process using a REST/Microservice/JSON interface. The endpoints are:

  • Status (http get) http[s]://<tririga>[:port]/[context]/ui/v1/admin/deepcleanup/status
  • Start (http post) http[s]://<tririga>[:port]/[context]/ui/v1/admin/deepcleanup/start
  • Stop (http post) http[s]://<tririga>[:port]/[context]/ui/v1/admin/deepcleanup/stop