State transition family reuse

In the preceding example, we built a state transition family from nothing. It is unusual to build a state transition family from nothing. Usually you will start out with a copy an existing state transition family. There are three ways to begin with an existing state transition family:

  • If you are defining a business object that is not its module's base business object, the business object automatically starts out with a copy of the base business object's state transition family.
  • If you want to start out with a copy of a different business object's state transition family, click the State Transition panel's Import action and select the Import from Business Object menu item.
  • The IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform is shipped with a collection of generally useful state transition families that are not part of a business object. If you want to use one of these, click the Import from State Family menu item in the State Transitions panel's Import menu.

Importing a state transition family from another business object or from the State Family Manager will merge the states and transitions of the imported state transition family with the states and transitions already in the business object's state transition family.