OSLC terminology

Definitions are provided for IBM® TRIRIGA® OSLC terms.

consumer application
An application that uses the data in the central data warehouse for a specific business need.
creation factory
A URI that is used to create new resources by using HTTP POST.
provider application
In the context of OSLC, an application that makes its resource data available to the consumer application through containers that are called service providers.
provider record
A record that identifies the provider application and contains definitions for one or more OSLC interactions between a consumer application and the provider application.
public URI
The root URI that is used to access the OSLC provider application.
query capability
A base URI for forming query resource URIs.
In the context of OSLC, a network data object or service that can be identified by a URI.
Resource Description Framework (RDF)
A framework for representing information on the web.
resource shape
A specification that defines a fixed list of properties for the resource, expected data types and values, and validation rules for new or changed resources.
resource type
In the context of OSLC, the type of data that is linked between integrated applications, for example, a work task status change request.

Representation State Transfer: A software architectural style for distributed hypermedia systems like the World Wide Web. The term is also often used to describe any simple interface that uses XML (or YAML, JSON, plain text) over HTTP without an additional messaging layer such as SOAP.

service provider
In the context of OSLC, a container of resources that is hosted by a tool or product to enable the use of the resources.
shape document
A record that describes the resource shape and makes it available through the URI.