Workflow revisions

A revision of a workflow is automatically created when you select the workflow in the Workflow Builder and click Revise.

You can view a list of revisions for a workflow by selecting the workflow in the Workflow Builder and clicking List All Revisions. The current revision is displayed at the beginning of the revision list. For each revision, the revision list also shows the object label, modified date, modified by, and any details such as whether the revision originated in an object migration (OM) package.

The current revision number, object label, modified by, and modified date for a workflow are also displayed in the Workflow Properties panel.

When you revise a workflow, the object label is set to ObjectLabelPending until you publish the revision, where the label changes to In Progress.

Reverting the current revision of a form to a previous revision
You can revert the current workflow revision to a previous revision. In the list of revisions for the workflow, select the radio button of the revision whose data that you want to make current and select one of the following actions.
Select this action to publish the previous revision, where the Object Label, Modified Date, and Modified By values of the selected revision are applied.
Publish with Object Label
Select this action if you want to modify the previous revision when you publish it. With this action, the Modified Date field contains the date that you publish the previous revision. The Modified By field is your user name; that is, the logged in user who publishes the previous revision.

When you publish the workflow, a new revision is displayed in the revision list and it contains the data of the previous revision that you published. The Detail column indicates the origin of the data in the new revision, for example, From revision 4.

Comparing workflow revisions
To compare revisions of a workflow, you must export each revision as text and use a third party comparison tool. See the section, Exporting workflows as text that follows.