Style sheets
For some applications, you may want certain kinds of fields, sections, or tabs to be presented differently from others. You may want some fields to present data with a different font or another kind of field to have a label that is a different color. You may want some sections to have a different colored title bar. If you do want to do such things, you will want to do them not just in one form, but consistently throughout your application.
The IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform provides a way to do this in the form of style sheets. Fields have a property named Label Style Class (described in "Form field properties") that can determine what the field's label looks like. Fields have a property named Data Style Class that determines what the field's data looks like. Sections and tabs have a property named Style Class that determines their appearance.
The value for these properties is a name of a style sheet that has its own properties associated with it. To view, edit or create style sheets, you use a tool named the Style Sheet Editor. The Style Sheet Editor is described in the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: User Experience User Guide.