
Some applications are able to process email messages if they are in a specific format. You can create a workflow in the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform to send email messages. The details of writing a workflow to send an email are discussed in "Notifications". The details of sending a form report as part of an email are discussed in "Attach format file task".

Form reports are a way to display IBM® TRIRIGA® application data using HTML to format the data. You can create an HTML form report to format the data that is sent via email. The details of creating a form report are discussed in the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: Reporting User Guide.

A form report can be presented as the body of an email message. This is a convenient way to send a form report to someone who may not be logged into the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform environment.

If you want to send your data through email and email is the application with which you are integrating, the form report can be sent to applications that run outside the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform through email.

For form reports using Eclipse Business Intelligence Reporting Tools (BIRT) and SAP Crystal Reports, attach the report to the email as a PDF file.

If the recipient will be using the data in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, you can use Excel to generate the HTML. That makes it easier for the recipient to import into Excel.