Java objects

When you export a starter report, all data is mapped to Java™ Objects inside BIRT. Every Java Object has the getNativeValue() and the toString() methods.

The following table provides information for additional methods for Java object and the business object field type.
Table 1. Java objects
Business object field type getNativeValue() result Considerations for toString() Additional methods Suggested BIRT binding if you use the native value
Text java.lang.String N/A N/A String


Financial rollup

java.math.Big Decimal UOM metadata and BO field masks

getUom().getUom TypeCode()

getUom.getUom Value()

Has Uom() returns false if there is no UOM.

Classification Rollup java.math.Big Decimal BO field masks N/A Decimal
Date java.sql.Date User's timezone and preferred display format N/A Date
DateTime java.sql.Date User's timezone and preferred display format N/A Date Time
Time java.sql.Time Is displayed as hours/minutes/seconds with no timezone considerations. N/A Time for meaningful results from this value, use a GMT calendar.
Locator java.lang.String N/A N/A String
Duration java.lang.Long

A single value that encodes the Duration components into a single value. It is stored in the IBM® TRIRIGA® database to represent a particular duration value. This value might not represent the total number of milliseconds for the particular duration.

Formats that use IBM TRIRIGA-preferred format and considers the user's language.

N/A Decimal
Classification java.lang.String (nontranslated value) BO field option full hierarchy path and user's language N/A String
List java.lang.String (nontranslated User's language N/A String
Boolean java.lang.Boolean N/A N/A Boolean
Image byte[] Returns path to image as stored in IBM TRIRIGA database N/A Image
Binary byte[] String representation of the content ID, the key of the DM_CONTENT table N/A Blob
UOM java.lang.String

(Non-translated value)

getUomValue() translated to the current user's language

getUom().getUom TypeCode()

getUom.getUom Value()

getUomValue() is NULL if there is no value

Password java.lang.String N/A N/A String
SystemField_Bo RecordId java.lang.Long N/A N/A Decimal
SystemField_ java.lang.Long N/A N/A Decimal
SystemField_ ModifiedDate Time java.sql.Date User's timezone and preferred display format. N/A Date Time
SystemField_ CreatedDate Time java.sql.Date User's timezone and preferred display format N/A Date Time
SystemField_ Modified DateTimeNumber java.sql.Date User's timezone and preferred display format N/A Date Time
SystemField_ ProjectId java.lang.Long N/A N/A Decimal
SystemField_ BoTypeId java.lang.Long N/A N/A Decimal
SystemField_Parent java.lang.Long N/A N/A Decimal