Staging table fields
In addition to the fields that you identify with the Staging Table Field property, each staging table includes specific fields.
Column name | Key | Type | Default | Null-able | Description |
DC_JOB_NUMBER | Y | NUMBER(20) | N | A job identification number. | |
DC_CID | Y | NUMBER(20) | N | A correlation identification number that is used for parent-child relationships from staging tables. | |
DC_SEQUENCE_ID | Y | NUMBER(20) | N | A sequence number for a group of entries. | |
DC_STATE | N | NUMBER(4) | 0 | N | A state identifier to indicate the current state of this entry during the processing of a DataConnect Job. Values are: 0 – New, 1 – Ready, 2 - Processing, 3 - Completed, 4 - Failed, 5 - Obsolete. |
DC_ACTION | N | NUMBER(4) | 1 | N | The action that is taken. Values are: 1 - Insert, 2 - Update, 4 - Upsert. |
DC_PATH | N | VARCHAR() | Y | The path (including Record Name) for the object that is being acted upon. For an Insert, this field can indicate to the DataConnect task where in the hierarchy to place the record. Children must have the parent path in DC_PATH. If an object is at the top of the hierarchy or if the object is not within a hierarchy, DC_PATH must be empty. For an Update, if no keys exist, this field must be set to the record you want to update, the IBS_SPEC.OBJECT_PATH of the record to update. | |
DC_GUI_NAME | N | VARCHAR(100) | Y | The form name that you want the new or updated row to use. On insert, if this form is not set, the system uses the default form for the business object if there is one. Otherwise, the object has no associated form. On update, if this form is not set, the system does not modify the current form setting. | |
DC_PROJECT | N | VARCHAR(100) | Y | On Insert or Update, sets the project for the record if it is not empty. The value is what appears in the portal menu bar when a project is selected. DC_PROJECT must use the format ProjectID-ProjectName. Only the record that is involved in the Insert or Update has its project changed. No changes occur to children of that record. If you are inserting or updating data with a parent-child relationship, be sure to set the appropriate project for all data you want changed. |
Column names are determined by the IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Platform. Use the Administrator Console to find the staging table name and the database name. | N | Depends on the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform column type. | Y | Fields in the business object with Staging Table Field checked (on). An extra column is added in the staging table for Date, Date and Time, Duration, and Time fields. The name of these fields is appended with _F. Based on the Staging Table Key property, the fields might be keys. Used by Upsert and Update. For an Upsert, the DataConnect task generates SQL by applying the designated key values in the staging table to see whether the record exists. If the record exists (that is, one record is found), the record is updated with the data in the staging table. If more than one record exists, the staging table row is marked Failed. If the record does not exist (that is, no records are found), a new record is inserted by applying the staging table data. For an Update, if keys are defined on the staging table, the DataConnect task generates SQL by applying the key values in the staging table to see whether the record exists. If the record exists (that is, one record is found), the record is updated with the data in the staging table. If more than one record exists, the staging table row is marked Failed. If the record does not exist (that is, no records are found), the staging table row is marked Failed. |