Creating file bundle of data for problem diagnosis

You can automatically collect data such as log files, configuration files, and system data that can help you or IBM® TRIRIGA® Support to troubleshoot issues.


  1. In the IBM TRIRIGA Administrator Console, select Must Gather Tool.
  2. When the tool completes the collection process, add your name, email address, and any comments that you want under Error Report Information.
  3. If you do not want the Must Gather Tool to send the report directly to IBM Support, clear the Send Report to IBM TRIRIGA Support check box. Replace the IBM Support address in the EcuRep Email field with the email address to which you want to send the report.
  4. Clear the Perform Audit check box if you do not want to include platform audit query results.
  5. Click Submit Error Report.
    The compressed file is sent to the email address in the EcuRep Email field.