Configuring SAML SSO for TRIRIGA on traditional WebSphere with TAI
There are several steps for configuring single sign-on (SSO) with traditional WebSphere® Application Server, Trust Association Interceptor (TAI), and Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML).
- IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher
- IBM TRIRIGA Connector for BIM
I. Configuring SSO with TRIRIGA
II. Installing and Configuring SimpleSAMLphp
About this task
SimpleSAMLphp is a PHP-written application that deals with authentication. Its main focus is to provide support for SAML as a Service Provider (SP) or an Identity Provider (IdP). In this example, SimpleSAMLphp is the Identity Provider (IdP).
The following steps demonstrate how to install and configure SimpleSAMLphp.
III. Configuring SAML SSO with WebSphere Application Server
About this task
After you configure TRIRIGA and SimpleSAMLphp, you set up SAML SSO with WebSphere Application Server. In this example, SimpleSAMLphp is the Identity Provider (IdP) and WebSphere Application Server is the Service Provider (SP).
Before you can use the SAML SSO feature, you must install the SAML Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) application and enable SAML Trust Association Interceptor (TAI). You can install the SAML ACS application in two ways: Administrative Console or Python script. Likewise, you can enable SAML TAI properties in two ways: Administrative Console or wsadmin command utility.
The following procedure gives an example in the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console.