Testing the transform

You can test the transform after you add each Spoon step, or at the end when all Spoon steps are complete. Testing after each step makes debugging easier. Before you can test the transform, you must first save the transform.

About this task

The variables section details the variables that are used in the transform. When you test the transform by using Spoon, you can set values to these variables. When the transform is run from within TRIRIGA®, the variables form part of the transform business object. Set and save the values that are used into the smart object before the custom workflow task is called.


  1. Set the triRunDA variable to the date and time of the workflow run. It does not need to be an attribute on the transform business object. It is the Number representation of the run date and time. triRunDA does not have six formats of the date since it is generated dynamically by the custom workflow task. triRunDA is needed for setting the create date of the fact row.
  2. triCreatedByTX is an attribute on the transform business object.
  3. triActiveStartDA_MinDATE and triActiveEndDA_MaxDATE are the wrapped representations of triActiveStartDA and triActiveEndDA. During Spoon testing, if you are testing on Oracle or DB2, you must wrap them with to_date (‘the date you want’, ‘the format’).
  4. Click Launch to run the transform. If a step has an error, the step appears in red and the error is saved to the log file. You can access the log file through the log page.