Creating data load sets and data load items

When you create a data load set, or select an existing data load set, you must define the data load items and the sequence for processing these data load items. A data load set uses data load items to reference integration objects. The data load set is used to map the data from the external source to existing TRIRIGA® business objects.

Before you begin

Before you create new data load items, you can first specify the default options for the integration object by modifying the DC Load - Template integration object.


  1. Go to Tools > System Setup > Integration > Data Load Manager > Data Load Sets.
  2. Add a data load set.
  3. Specify the data load set name and the process type.
  4. Add existing data load items or create new data load items to include in the data load set.
    1. Specify the load module, load business object, staging table form, and the DataConnect job.
    2. Create and save the data load item.
  5. Specify the processing sequence for the data load items.
  6. Create and save the data load set.
  7. Process the integration.
  8. Inspect any errors.