Preparing WebSphere

A WebSphere® Application Server profile is required to install IBM® TRIRIGA®. You can create a WebSphere Application Server profile specifically for IBM TRIRIGA if you do not want to use the default profile. If you do not create a new WebSphere Application Server profile, you must be prepared to specify information about an existing WebSphere Application Server profile to use with IBM TRIRIGA during the installation process. Refer to WebSphere Application Server product information for details about creating profiles.


  1. Enable all WebSphere Application Server profiles to use IBM Java 8, where <SDK_8_64> is the exact name of the 64-bit IBM Java 8 SDK, such as "1.8_64" or "8.0_64".
    -sdkname <SDK_8_64>
  2. Verify that the specified SDK name now appears for each line of "SDK name".
  3. Set the SDK name that script commands are enabled to use when no profile is specified by the command and when no profile is defaulted by the command. Again, for <SDK_8_64>, use the exact name of the 64-bit IBM Java 8 SDK, such as "1.8_64" or "8.0_64".
    -sdkname <SDK_8_64>
  4. Verify that the specified SDK name now appears as the command default.
  5. Update the location of the /tmp directory to use, if required. The /tmp directory should be at least 2GB in size.
    1. Navigate to Servers > All Servers > <Server_Name> > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine > Custom Properties.
    2. Click New, and enter the following properties.
      Value: /path/to/new/tmpdir
      Description: Path to desired temp directory
    3. Click OK and then Save.

What to do next

Install the platform with the Oracle Database, IBM DB2®, or Microsoft SQL Server.