Globalizing the Gantt scheduler
I. Globalizing the Gantt scheduler
The Gantt scheduler is globalized for your multicultural users in IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.5.1 and higher. The language files for the Gantt scheduler are in several locations.
- Most of the Gantt tooltips, messages, and dialogs are in properties files that are on the
TRIRIGA application server. The
location of the files depends on the version.
- In 3.5.1, the properties files are in the /userfiles/Translations/Gantt/ folder.
- In 3.5.2, the properties files are in the /userfiles/Translations/TreeGrid/3.5.2/ folder.
- If you upgrade from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2, the original 3.5.1 translations are saved in the /userfiles/Translations/Gantt/ folder, if needed.
- In 3.5.3 and 3.6.0, the properties files are in the /userfiles/Translations/TreeGrid/3.5.3/ folder.
- In 3.6.1, the properties files are in the /userfiles/Translations/TreeGrid/3.6.1/ folder.
- Going forward, any changes to the translations will be accompanied by the appropriate version folder, so that manual merges can be continued to be applied.
- The file names are, where
XX is the Java code for the language.
- To change a translation, edit the file.
- To add translations for a new language, copy the file, and update the name to be where XX is the Java code for the language.
- If you are extending language support, do not use the language code plus the country code. The new file must only have the language code. Within your new file, edit the values to the language that you are creating. DO NOT modify any comments or move around any entries. After the file is saved, test with a user of that language to make sure that there are no problems converting the file from into XML on the server.
- Some Gantt words are in the as-delivered language packs. The .xliff file names start with SYSTEMLABEL_LEGACY. You can export these Gantt words by using the System Labels option in the Globalization Manager export form.
- The Help text that is shown when the user clicks the Help button from the Gantt section is in the ibm-tririga.war file. The files in the .war are named Help_XX.html, where XX is the language of the user. These files cannot be changed.
II. Important notes
- The Gantt translations that were introduced in 3.5.1 are deprecated in 3.5.2.
- Translations are now applied to both Gantt and Availability using TreeGrid in 3.5.2 and higher, and are located in the appropriate /userfiles/Translations/TreeGrid/ version folder.
- Any modifications to these translations will need to be manually merged into the new TreeGrid folder.
- Going forward, any changes to the translations will be accompanied by the appropriate version folder, so that manual merges can be continued to be applied.
- TreeGrid will pull from the latest version folder.