3. Gantt chart interface
3.1 How do you use the Gantt chart interface?
The Gantt chart contains bars on a timeline that graphically represent your tasks. In most cases, you can click and drag a bar to change its start and end dates. You can also drag either end of the bar to resize it, making its duration longer or shorter. If you attempt to resize or move a bar, but the bar "snaps back" to its original position, it is likely due to a constraint or dependency that is placed on the task. For more information, see Gantt constraints and dependencies.
The task bars in the Gantt chart are color-coded based on several conditions, such as percent completion, whether the task is part of the critical path, and whether the task is an umbrella task. Most of the conditions and corresponding bar colors are noted in the legend.
a. Task conditions and corresponding bar colors
The Gantt chart can be viewed in various time frames by using the
Zoom drop-down on the Gantt scheduler toolbar. You can zoom to Months, Weeks,
Days, and Hours. You can also click the Zoom in
Zoom out
on the toolbar to step through the Month, Week, Day, and Hour views. The Zoom to fit
button widens the chart. You can focus on a specific task by right-clicking the bar on the chart and
selecting Zoom to the bar.
The space that the Gantt chart occupies depends on several factors, which include whether the
project window is maximized, the last zoom option selected, and the number of visible columns in the
task table. On the chart, you can right-click an empty space and select Zoom to fit to
actual space to widen the chart. You can also widen the chart by moving the vertical
divider between the chart and the task table. You can also hide columns in the task table by
clicking the Choose columns to display
button on the Gantt scheduler toolbar.
b. Zoom options
3.2 Task table
The task table of the Gantt scheduler contains information about the tasks such as the task ID, task name, planned start date, total planned working hours, planned end date, and duration. When you create or edit a task in the task table, some of the fields are editable and others are read-only. Some of the fields are automatically calculated.
The widths of the columns in the task table are resizable by dragging the column dividers in the column header. The columns can be reordered by dragging and dropping them to the preferred position.
You can choose which columns display in the task table by clicking the Choose columns
to display
button on the Gantt scheduler toolbar. Any changes that you make
to items such as column visibility, column order, and sort order per column are saved to browser
cookies when you save the project.
a. Task table and default column definitions
Column | Required? | Editable? | Purpose |
# | No | Yes |
Tracks the record numbering for imported Microsoft Project tasks. Defaults to 0 if the tasks are created in TRIRIGA, and a non-0 number if the tasks were created in Microsoft Project and imported into TRIRIGA. For more information, see Microsoft Project import and export. |
ID | No | Yes | Defaults to an internal TRIRIGA number on save. You can enter another value to override the default. |
Task Name | Yes | Yes | Describes the purpose of the task. |
Planned Start | Yes | Yes | Indicates the planned start date of the task. |
Planned End | No | Yes | Indicates the planned end date of the task. If both this field and Total Planned Working Hours are left blank at task creation, the task is a Milestone task. |
Planned Duration | N/A | No | Calculates the total calendar time in hours that are planned for the task. Automatically calculated based on Planned Start and Planned End or Total Planned Working Hours. |
Type | Yes | No | Indicates the task type. Type is a required field at task creation. This field is not editable after the task is saved. |
Total Planned Working Hours | No | Yes | Identifies the total planned working hours for the task. If this field is set to 0 and Planned End is left blank at task creation, the task is a Milestone task. |
Status | N/A | No | Represents the status of the task, such as Draft or Active. |
Slack (Hours) | N/A | No |
Calculates the number of hours that a task can shift before it jeopardizes the planned project start or end or individual task constraint. For more information, see Gantt constraints and dependencies. |
3.3 Tab view
Your application administrator can add a tab in the project form to display the Gantt scheduler in its own tab. Displaying the Gantt in a separate tab might be helpful for larger projects.
To add a tab in the project form, perform the following steps.
Step 1. Go to
.Step 2. Navigate to the form for the record type that you want to modify. Select the module, select the form, and click Revise. For example, to add a tab for Capital projects, select triProject for the module and select triCapitalProject for the form.
Step 3. Select the tab that contains the Gantt section. For example, the Gantt section in the Capital Project form is on the Schedule tab, so select the triSchedule tab.
Step 4. Select the Copy Tab action.
Step 5. Enter a name for the new tab, such as GanttOnly and click Apply. No changes are needed for the Target Business Object or Target Form.
Step 6. After you click Apply, you might need to refresh the form by clicking the name of the form in the Navigation panel.
Step 7. Expand the new tab in the Navigation panel. Select each section that you do not want to display in the new tab and delete them one at a time by using the Delete action.
Step 8. Adjust the height of the Gantt section by selecting the section and editing the Height parameter.
Step 9. Click Apply, then click Publish.