Special names in the record field

In the record field, you can use special names to filter for an association with special records.

The value of a record or query field must be the same as the name of the other query. If the value of the filter type field is query, set the appropriate record or query.

If the value of the filter type field is record, the value of the record or query field determines whether the association that the filter requires is directly with the context record, with another record that is associated with the context record, or an unassociated record.

The following table contains special names for the record field:

Table 1. Special names in the record field
Value Description
$$USERID$$ When the query is run, the $$USERID$$ value resolves to the record ID of the user that started the query.
$$PERSONID$$ When the query is run, the $$PERSONID$$ value resolves to the record ID of the People record that is associated with the user who started the query.
$$RECORDID$$ Useful for queries that are used in query sections and for find action queries for data sections. Queries that are used in query sections and find queries are often required to return only records that are associated with the record that contains the section.

When you set the record field to the $$RECORDID$$ value, if the top-level records are associated directly with the context record, then the top-level records pass this filter.

$$GROUPID$$ If you set the record field to the $$GROUPID$$ value, if the top-level records are associated with a record that represents a group that the user is a member of, then the top-level records pass the filter.

When the record field is set to the $$GROUPID$$ value, also set the Module field to Group and the Business Object field to All.

$$PROJECTID$$ When you set the record field to the $$PROJECTID$$ value and if the top-level records are associated with a record that represents the active project, then the top-level records pass the filter.

When the record field is set to $$PROJECTID$$, also set the Module field to triProject and the Business Object field to All.

$$PARENT$$ Use $$PARENT$$ to specify that top-level records pass this filter if they are associated with a record that has a direct or indirect association with the context record. It works by specifying a path from the context record to another record through record sections or locator fields.

For example, if a context record is an employee record, the report should include employee records for employees who have the same supervisor as the context record.

Employee records have a locator field that is named triReportsToTX that references the record that corresponds to an employee’s supervisor. If triReportsToTX is in the general section, the value of the record field for the example is $$PARENT::General::triReportsToTX$$.

If the reference was a smart section, the value of the record field would be $$PARENT::triReportsToTX$$.

When the value of $$PARENT$$ is empty, it resolves to an IS NULL criteria.

$$PARENT::SECTIONNAME$$ Use to filter a find section based on values in another section. PARENT is always the word PARENT. SECTIONNAME is the name of the section that contains the values that you want to filter. Make sure that you use the name and not the label of the section.
$$PARENT::SECTIONNAME::FIELDNAME$$ Use to filter a find section based on the value of a field in another section. PARENT is always the word PARENT. SECTIONNAME is the name of the section that contains the field that contains the values by which you want to filter. FIELDNAME is the name of the field by which you want to filter. Make sure that you use the name and not the label of the section and the field.
$$ORGANIZATIONID$$ Use to filter a portal query section based on the organizations of the user who is logged in.
$$ORGANIZATIONIDWITHCHILDREN$$ Use to filter a portal query section based on the organizations, including all dependent child organizations, of the user who is logged in.
$$GEOGRAPHYID$$ Use to filter a portal query section based on the geography of the user who is logged in.
$$GEOGRAPHYIDWITHCHILDREN$$ Use to filter a portal query section based on the geography and all child geographies of the user who is logged in.