Installing the IBM TRIRIGA plug-in for BIRT
For BIRT Reporting, you must have the IBM® TRIRIGA® plug-in for BIRT installed.
- Open the BIRT application, and select Help > Install New Software.
- In the Work With field, specify the following URL for the IBM TRIRIGA plug-in software site: http://[server:port]/[context path]/eclipse. Use the [context path] only if the server is configured with a context path.
- Select the IBM TRIRIGA BIRT Features.
- Select the details and select Next twice.
- Review and accept the licenses, and select Finish.
- Restart the BIRT application.
- In the Workspace field, select the workspace and select OK.
- In the Eclipse application, select Window > Preferences > IBM TRIRIGA BIRT Preferences and specify the information to connect to the IBM TRIRIGA server. The IBM TRIRIGA application server is located at http://[server:port]/[context path]/remote.
- Select Test Connection and in the Connected dialog box, select OK.
- Optional:
Configure update notifications.
- Select Window > Preferences, expand Install/Update, and select Automatic Updates.
- Select Automatically find new updates and notify me.
- Select the Update schedule, Download options, and When updates are found options.
- Select Apply > OK.