Installing the IBM TRIRIGA plug-in for BIRT

For BIRT Reporting, you must have the IBM® TRIRIGA® plug-in for BIRT installed.


  1. Open the BIRT application, and select Help > Install New Software.
  2. In the Work With field, specify the following URL for the IBM TRIRIGA plug-in software site: http://[server:port]/[context path]/eclipse. Use the [context path] only if the server is configured with a context path.
  3. Select the IBM TRIRIGA BIRT Features.
  4. Select the details and select Next twice.
  5. Review and accept the licenses, and select Finish.
  6. Restart the BIRT application.
  7. In the Workspace field, select the workspace and select OK.
  8. In the Eclipse application, select Window > Preferences > IBM TRIRIGA BIRT Preferences and specify the information to connect to the IBM TRIRIGA server. The IBM TRIRIGA application server is located at http://[server:port]/[context path]/remote.
  9. Select Test Connection and in the Connected dialog box, select OK.
  10. Optional: Configure update notifications.
    1. Select Window > Preferences, expand Install/Update, and select Automatic Updates.
    2. Select Automatically find new updates and notify me.
    3. Select the Update schedule, Download options, and When updates are found options.
    4. Select Apply > OK.