Filter operators

The values for filter operators depend on the field type of the selected field.

The following table lists and describes the values that you can use:
Table 1. Filter operators
Operator Description
After Available for date, date and time, and time fields. If the value of the specified field is after the specified value, it is true.
Before Available for date, date and time, and time fields. If the value of the specified field is before the specified value, it is true.
Contains Available for Text, UOM, and Boolean fields. If the value of the specified field contains the specified value, it is true.
Contains – Case Sensitive Available for Text, UOM, and Boolean fields. If the value of the specified field contains the specified value, case-sensitivity included, it is true.
Does Not Contain Available for Text, UOM, and Boolean fields. If the value of the specified field does not contain the specified value, it is true.
Does Not Contain – Case Sensitive Available for Text, UOM, and Boolean fields. If the value of the specified field does not contain the specified value, case-sensitivity included, it is true.
End With Available for Text, UOM, and Boolean fields. If the value of the specified field ends with the specified value, it is true.
End With - Case Sensitive Available for Text, UOM, and Boolean fields. If the value of the specified field ends with the specified value and it is case-sensitive, it is true.
Equals If the value of the specified field is equal to the specified value, it is true.
In If the value of the specified field is one of the specified values, it is true. For string and numeric values, the specified values should be comma-separated literal values that are wrapped in single quotation marks, for example: 'Tom','Jerry','Paul','1','2','3'.
Less Than Available for number fields. If the value of the specified field is less than the specified value, it is true.
Less Than or Equals Available for number, date, date and time, and time fields. If the value of the specified field is less than or equal to the specified value, it is true.
More Than Available for number fields. If the value of the specified field is greater than the specified value, it is true.
More Than or Equals Available for number, date, date and time, and time fields. If the value of the specified field is greater than or equal to the specified value, it is true.
Not Equals If the value of the specified field is not equal to the specified value, it is true.
Not In

If the value of the specified field is not one of the specified values, it is true. For string and numeric values, the specified values should be comma-separated literal values that are wrapped in single quotation marks. For example: 'Tom','Jerry','Paul','1','2','3'.

Tip: For performance, avoid using Not In statements. With the In statement instead, an index can then be placed on the column for better performance.
Start With Available for Text, UOM, and Boolean fields. If the value of the specified field begins with the specified value, it is true.
Start With - Case Sensitive Available for Text, UOM, and Boolean fields. If the value of the specified field begins with the specified value and it is case-sensitive, it is true.

If you have query that is used in a locator field or a smart section and you notice that autocomplete takes a long time to run, consider changing the filter Operator from contains to starts with.