Upgrading on a Liberty profile and Microsoft SQL Server

After your database server is prepared, you can begin to upgrade the IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Platform. For specific settings and values, you might need to consult with your IBM WebSphere® Application Server administrator and Microsoft SQL Server administrator.

Before you begin

Verify that Microsoft SQL Server is running and that you have administrative authority on the server. Ensure the Microsoft SQL Server database has been configured for TRIRIGA.


  1. Run the installer file. Follow the installation instructions.
    1. Accept the license.
    2. Check for the latest available fix pack and apply it.
    3. Choose the Java Virtual Machine to use with the installation program.
      The 64-bit version of Java 8 is required.
    4. Select the installation folder.
    5. For the installation type, select Existing Database.
    6. Select the installation folder for the deployment you want to upgrade.
  2. For the application server, select IBM WebSphere Liberty (Embedded). Specify the Liberty profile information in the next set of screens.
    1. Specify the Java memory setting values in megabytes.
    2. Specify HTTP and HTTPS ports and the session timeout value used by the Liberty Profile.
    3. Optional: Configure TRIRIGA to run Liberty as a Windows service. You must run the TRIRIGA installation program as an Administrator to create the Windows service. If you did not run the TRIRIGA installation program as an Administrator, quit the installation program and restart it with Administrator privileges. This service will replace an existing Liberty Windows service on the system unless you assign it a unique service name.
    4. Optional: On Windows, specify the application context root for accessing the IBM TRIRIGA application.
      This path must begin with a slash (/).
  3. For the database type, select Microsoft SQL Server. Consult with your Microsoft SQL Server administrator and specify the database information in the next set of screens.
    1. Specify the information for the database server connection, such as the port and name.
    2. Specify the database user name and password.
      Verify that the database user that is being used for the new installation is uniquely associated to the database.
    3. Optional: Select the option to configure your database for multibyte language support. Verify that no IBM TRIRIGA application instances are connected to the database, and the database user for the upgrade installation is uniquely associated with the database.
      If you do not configure the database for multibyte language support, you can select this option during a future upgrade. However, if you anticipate supporting multibyte languages in the future, you should configure the database for multibyte language support now. Single-byte support will be deprecated in a future TRIRIGA release. If you decide to update an existing database to support multi-byte characters, the conversion from single to multi-byte can take an extended period of time. Review the documentation for multi-byte upgrade information before starting the process.
    4. Optional: Choose a collation for the Microsoft SQL Server database.
    5. Test the data schema connection.
    6. Specify the sizes for the database pools.
  4. Complete and review the installation information in the final set of screens.
    1. Specify the names of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) mail server and front end server.
    2. Review the pre-installation summary and click Install.
  5. Click Next.
    1. Optional: If you want to monitor the progress in the directory where IBM TRIRIGA is installed, you can open the ant.log file in a log monitoring utility.
      In Windows, you can run the WinTail utility. In UNIX, you can run the tail –f ant.log command.
  6. When the installation is complete, click Done.
  7. Verify that your license files are in the tririga_root\config\licenses directory.
  8. Optional: If you made customizations that were saved in the userfiles directory, copy those files into the upgrade installation.
  9. Restart IBM TRIRIGA using the appropriate method.
    • On Windows servers, open a command prompt and run the command to start the Liberty profile. tririga_root\wlp\bin\run.bat
    • On UNIX servers, open a command prompt and run the command to start the Liberty profile. tririga_root/wlp/bin/run.sh
    The command window closes after initial startup. Liberty continues to run as a background process.

What to do next

Verify that your installation is running properly.