Business process agents

The IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Platform agents are business process agents that conduct the automated work for the IBM TRIRIGA applications. When the platform identifies an event that requires an agent, the platform places the event into a queue where the agent can retrieve and process it.

Business process agent Description
Platform Maintenance Scheduler This agent conducts data cleanup and runs an analysis on the database. This agent removes all data in the state of null, and removes DataConnect (DC) jobs and staging table entries that are obsolete or completed. This agent also cleans up the completed workflow instances that do not have any user-operable tasks (such as user tasks and approval tasks) within the workflow.
Data Import Agent This agent looks for all tab-delimited files that are uploaded and imports the data into the platform.
DataConnect (DC) Agent This agent looks for DataConnect (DC) jobs in the Job Control table that are ready to run. When the agent finds a job, it creates an appropriate smart object for the job. Then the agent posts an asynchronous workflow event to initiate the workflow that pulls the external data into the IBM TRIRIGA database tables.
Extended Formula Agent This agent looks for and processes extended formulas.
Formula Recalc Agent This agent recalculates paths as needed in the platform.
Incoming Mail Agent This agent downloads mail from a Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) server or Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) server and translates them into email message records.
Object Migration Agent This agent migrates business objects from one environment to another environment.
Object Publish Agent This agent publishes business objects in the platform.
Report Queue Agent This agent retrieves queued report requests, processes the report, and notifies the user.
Reserve SMTP Agent This agent receives and processes reservation e-mails sent by Microsoft Exchange. This Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) receiver service allows Microsoft Exchange to communicate with IBM TRIRIGA and allow it to manage resources in Reserve. A Microsoft Exchange send connector is configured to forward any email address with the reservation-specific subdomain to the IBM TRIRIGA application server that runs this SMTP agent.
Scheduler Agent This agent looks for and processes all scheduled and recurring events in the platform.
SNMP Agent This agent receives and processes Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps (notifications). SNMP traps include those used for the IBM TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability Impact Manager.
Tivoli Directory Integrator Agent This agent starts and stops the Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI) runtime server from within TRIRIGA. The TDI server must be running for TDI-based ETL job items to run properly. TDI-based ETL job items include those used to import data for the IBM TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability Impact Manager.
Workflow (WF) Agent This agent processes queued workflow events and the asynchronous workflows that are registered for those events.
Workflow (WF) Future Agent This agent processes actions from a workflow that are set up to trigger at a future date, and is used by many applications including, but not limited to BIM, Job Scheduling, Reserve, and Lease.
Workflow (WF) Notification Agent This agent looks for and processes notifications in the platform, including those notifications to be sent at a scheduled time.