Administrator console
Before you configure the process server to run agents, first complete the IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Platform installation process on the process server. Then, open the Agent Manager in the IBM TRIRIGA administrator console to configure and manage agents.
You can independently stop and start each agent from the Agent Manager in the IBM TRIRIGA administrator console. If you want to prevent an agent from starting on the process server, you can configure that agent in the AGENTS_NOT_ALLOWED property of the file. Then, restart the process server for changes in the file to take effect.
However, if an agent is stopped, parts of the IBM TRIRIGA application might not function with the same behavior. For example, if the Workflow (WF) Agent is stopped, the platform does not run any logic that is defined by an asynchronous workflow. Instead, the platform holds each event in a queue that the WF Agent picks up when it is restarted.
For more information, see the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: Administrator Console User Guide.