Mechanisms to move data into tables
You must provide the mechanism, either through an ETL tool or direct SQL statements, for moving data from the external source to the appropriate tables in the IBM® TRIRIGA® database. These tables include the business object staging tables and a DataConnect Job Control table.
The mechanism must create a unique job number to reference within both the DataConnect Job Control table and the business object staging tables. Furthermore, the mechanism can include one or more correlation and sequence numbers.
Although no meaning is associated with the job number, it must be a unique identifier. One approach to creating the job number is to use a generator of globally unique identifiers (GUID) or universally unique identifiers (UUID). Then, the approach can attempt to insert the DataConnect Job Control table entry with a state of New. If the attempt succeeds, use that as the job number for the entries that are written to the staging tables. If it fails with a duplicate key error, generate another GUID/UUID/FUID and try again.
You can use the Spoon tool from Pentaho Kettle. This method is similar to how the IBM TRIRIGA Workplace Performance Management products and IBM TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability products use Spoon to create ETL mappings for Fact Tables that pull data from IBM TRIRIGA tables.