Custom functions
Custom functions assist you with particular use cases. The custom functions are in the TRIRIGA category of the BIRT Expression Builder.
The following table describes the custom functions:
Name | Description | Inputs | Return |
formatNumber | Uses IBM® TRIRIGA® to format a number. | number - BigDecimal: Number value to format unitOfMeasure - TriResultUom: Unit of Measure that is used for formatting the number. Can use a NULL value if no UOM is available, but must use the encodedBoFieldName input. encodedBoFieldName - String [optional]: BO field from which this number came. Use where applicable, because a field metadata can affect number formatting. |
String: the formatted number. |
formatDate | Uses IBM TRIRIGA to format a date. Uses the format that is specified in your user profile record. | date - java.util.Date: Date to format | String: the formatted date. |
formatDateTime | Uses IBM TRIRIGA to format a datetime. Uses the format that is specified in your user profile record. | dateTime - java.util.Date: DateTime to format | String: the formatted DateTime. |
getProjectIdFor-Record | Returns the record ID of the project that the record is in. Returns NULL if the record is not in a project. | ID of the record. Typically the system__recordId value of an IBM TRIRIGA result record. | Decimal: the ID of the project that the record is in. |
getRootOrganiza-tionId | Returns the record ID of the root organization. | N/A | Decimal: the ID of IBM TRIRIGA's root organization record. |
getCompany-LogoId | Returns the ID of the company logo document. | N/A | Decimal: the ID of the company logo document. |
getProjectLogoId | Returns the ID of the current project's logo document. | N/A | Decimal: the ID of current project's logo document. |
getUserId | Returns the ID of the currently signed-in user. | N/A | Decimal: the ID of the current user. |
getProjectId | Returns the ID of the current project. Returns NULL if the user is not currently in a project. | N/A | Decimal: the ID of current project. |