Verification checklist

After the IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Platform installation is complete, verify that your installation is running properly. This verification checklist is not intended to replace your company testing and validation procedures.

Item Description
Inspecting the installation log

Read the ant.log file. This file contains information about that steps that were taken during the installation. The file is written to the IBM TRIRIGA root installation directory. For example, on Windows, C:\Tririga\ant.log is the typical location.

A line toward the end of the file indicates whether the installation succeeded or failed, such as the following examples:
  • The installation succeeded:
    Total time: 25 minutes 51 seconds
  • The installation failed:
    C:\Tririga\build.xml:2586: The following error 
    occurred while executing this line:
    C:\Tririga\build.xml:2141: Java returned: -1
    Total time: 8 minutes 44 seconds
Starting the application

Start IBM TRIRIGA by locating the application server directory with the appropriate method.

Accessing the application
Verify your access to the IBM TRIRIGA application as the system user as follows:
  • Specify the URL address in your browser address field. The URL looks something like http://[hostname:port][/context_path], where [hostname:port] and [/context_path] are the specific values for your environment. If you see the error message "Unable to launch the application", then you must set the FRONT_END_SERVER property.
  • Sign in with your user name and password. The default user name is "system" and the default password is "admin".
Accessing the administrator console
Verify your access to the IBM TRIRIGA administrator console as follows.
  • Specify the URL address in your browser address field. The URL looks something like http://[hostname:port][/context_path]/html/en/default/admin, where [hostname:port] and [/context_path] are the specific values for your environment.
  • Sign in with your user name and password. The default user name is "system" and the default password is "admin".
  • In the Agent Manager, start the following agents in the process server: Platform Maintenance Scheduler Agent, Extended Formula Agent, Formula Recalc Agent, Scheduler Agent, Workflow (WF) Agent, and Workflow (WF) Notification Agent.
  • Sign out of the administrator console.
Creating users and records
As the system user, perform the following:
  • Verify that you can create and revise records, such as location records.
  • Verify that the association tree loads in the Associations tab of any record that you open.
  • Verify that you can create and activate an employee record where the Profile tab has the following: Active TRIRIGA User is selected, one or more user groups are assigned but not the Admin Group, and one or more available licenses are assigned. For example, you can create and activate an employee record where the user belongs to the TRIRIGA Project Manager group with the IBM TRIRIGA Capital Projects Manager license.
Log in as the user whose employee record was created and activated above, and perform the following:
  • Verify that the user can access everything the user is meant to access, according to the assigned groups and licenses. For example, a user who belongs to the TRIRIGA Project Manager group with the IBM TRIRIGA Capital Projects Manager license can see and open capital project records, but cannot see or open real estate lease records.
  • Verify that the user can create and revise records that the user is meant to create and revise, according to the assigned groups and licenses. For example, a user who belongs to the TRIRIGA Project Manager group with the IBM TRIRIGA Capital Projects Manager license can create and revise capital project records, but cannot create or revise real estate lease records.
Using the builder tools
As the system user, open and verify the builder tools under Tools > Builder Tools as follows:
  • In the workflow builder, verify that workflows load completely by opening and revising existing workflows.
  • In the data modeler, verify that the state transitions load completely.
  • In the data modeler, verify that the simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) email notification works by publishing a test business object.
Using the Document Manager
As either the system user or a user with rights, open and verify the Document Manager under Tools > Document Manager as follows:
  • Verify that the user can upload new documents, such as .txt and .jpg files.
  • Verify that the user can upload new documents with the multifile applet.
  • Verify that the user can view documents by clicking the icon in the V column.
  • Verify that the user can check in and check out documents.
  • If Brava is integrated, verify that the user can upload computer-aided design (CAD) documents in .dxf format and view the CAD documents by clicking the icon in the V column. For more information, see Brava integration.
Editing project tasks
As either the system user or a user with rights, verify the functions as follows:
  • Create or open a new capital project.
  • In the Schedule tab, add or open a task in the Project Tasks section.
  • In the task, edit the planned start date, planned end date, or planned working hours.
  • Verify that when one field is edited, the other two fields are adjusted automatically.
Syncing CAD drawings
If IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher is being used, verify your access to IBM TRIRIGA as follows:
  • Start TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher.
  • Sign in as a user with a TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher license.
  • Verify that the user can sync a CAD drawing with TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher.
Inspecting the server log

Verify that the server.log file exists for each application server and process server. This file is written to the log directory of the IBM TRIRIGA installation. For example, on Windows, C:\Tririga\log\server.log is the typical location.

In addition:
  • Verify that the application server is writing to its server.log file. Inspect the file for any major exceptions on first startup.
  • Verify that the process server is writing to its server.log file. One day after the installation and on a regular basis, verify that the process server completed the cleanup process successfully.