9. Troubleshooting and Monitoring

The IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform has platform logging features that log many system health statistics. These features and their associated data help you troubleshoot and monitor for performance problems.

9.1 Troubleshooting Performance Problems

You can use these troubleshooting procedures in a development or test environment for performance analysis and debugging. The procedures generally should not be used in a production environment. Use these procedures in a production environment only if you cannot isolate the problem in a test environment.

9.1.1 Setting Up a Standalone Application Server for Debugging

Debugging SQL or business object problems, and using detailed logging when you reproduce other problems, can generate large logs and slow down the system. To work around this situation, you can set up a standalone application server for debugging. However, if issues that you are investigating cannot be replicated in a test environment, setting up standalone logging can provide limited benefit. The standalone application server can be on a separate computer. Using a separate computer lets you easily stop and start the server to change logging parameters and reproduce problems with a single user.

9.1.2 WebSphere Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI)

When you tune IBM WebSphere® Application Server (WAS) for optimal performance, it is important to understand how the various runtime and application resources are behaving from a performance perspective. The Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) provides a comprehensive set of data that explains the runtime and application resource behavior. By using PMI data, the performance bottlenecks in the application server can be identified and fixed. PMI data can also be used to monitor the health of the application server. For more information on using PMI, see Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI).

9.1.3 IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform Logging

Platform logging enables real-time debug-level logging for platform features. For more information on the platform logging functionality, see the Administrator Console User Guide.

When you select an option and click Apply, debug-level logging starts immediately. When you clear an option and click Apply, debug-level logging stops immediately. Any changes made in this configuration file are in memory. The system reverts to the log4j.xml configuration settings when the server is restarted.

Administrators can roll log files. Click the Roll Log icon or select one of the Roll actions. The system renames the current log file with the current date and time, and begins entering new messages in a fresh file. You can add your own custom logging categories. Add them in the CustomLogCategories.xml configuration file located in the TRIRIGA installation \config\ folder.

Performance logging was added to the startup classes. To enable the logger, add the following category to log4j.xml in the \config\ folder, setting the priority value to either INFO or DEBUG:

<category name="Startup Duration Log" additivity="false">
   <priority value="[Value]" /> <!-- Set to DEBUG to enable logging -->
   <appender-ref ref="FILE" />

The following is an example of the log output for INFO level:

2016-06-17 18:23:18,959 INFO [Startup Duration Log](Default Executor-thread-6) 
   TRIRIGA Application Started in: 33 seconds

The following is an example of the log output for DEBUG level:

2016-06-17 18:23:18,959 DEBUG [Startup Duration Log](Default Executor-thread-6)
                 TRIRIGA Application Initialization Timing
    HTTPClientConnectionHandler completed in:.....................00 seconds
    UpgradeScripts completed in:..................................02 seconds
    SpringWebInitServlet completed in:............................26 seconds
    DispatcherServlet completed in:...............................00 seconds
    Begin StartupServiceManagerServlet
     - Method 'Upgrade Classes' completed in:.....................04 seconds
    StartupServiceManagerServlet completed in:....................06 seconds
    WidgetServlet completed in:...................................00 seconds
TRIRIGA Application started in:...................................43 seconds

9.1.4 Displaying Garbage Collection Statistics on the Server

You can turn on verbose garbage collection (GC) to find out how the garbage collection routine is functioning on the application server. You can select this setting in WebSphere Application Server (WAS) by using the WAS Administrative Console. After logging into the console, select Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > [server_name] > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine. Then select the Verbose garbage collection option. The console or the log file displays how much time is spent for each garbage collection cycle.

Several tools are available to assist with garbage collection analysis, such as the IBM Pattern Modeling and Analysis Tool for Java Garbage Collector and the IBM Support Assistant.

9.1.5 Applying the Latest Patches

You should apply the latest available upgrade, patch, fix pack, or hot fix for your release of TRIRIGA. Upgrades, patches, and hot fixes contain fixes for platform and application issues and often contain features that can improve system performance. Patches also contain new features and parameters that can help you to better monitor and debug system performance issues.

9.2 Performance Problem Determination

If possible, perform load testing during the implementation phase to expose performance problems before you place TRIRIGA into production. If you have the equipment to perform load testing, you can use load testing after TRIRIGA is in production to determine if there is any performance impact from patches or from data growth over time. If you encounter problems, see the following tools and techniques to determine any performance problems.

9.2.1 Problem Determination Techniques

a. Application Server

IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform server logs and IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) logs must be reviewed for any errors. For load-balanced implementations, attention should be paid to the distribution of users across the JVMs. Monitor the JVM memory utilization on the application server by enabling verbose garbage collection.

  • IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform Logs: Log files can be found in the TRIRIGA installation subfolder named \log\. Log files are appended with the date they are created. Log files can also be downloaded from the Error Logs manager in the Administrator Console. You can also roll logs from there. Several tools are available that can help you to analyze some of the log files. For more information, see the following section 9.2.2 Problem Determination Tools.
    • server.log: All standard TRIRIGA logging is found in this log file.
    • security.log: All security-related logging, user logins, and admin user changes.
    • ObjectMigration.log: Object Migration (OM) tool logging.
    • performance.log: All performance DEBUG level logging from the platform logging mechanism.
    • systemmetrics.log: Performance monitor information from the Administrator Console.
  • IBM WAS Full Profile Logs:
    • SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log: Application errors and long-running SQL queries are found in these logs.
    • Native_system_err.log: Verbose garbage collection information is found in this log file if verbosegc is enabled.
    • http_plugin.log: Load-balancing issues in a clustered environment can be reviewed in this log file.
  • IBM WAS Configuration: For more information, see the section 6 Application Server Tuning best practices.
    • JVM Heap Sizes: Ensure that the JVM heap size is set adequately and that heap exhaustion does not occur.
    • Thread Pool Sizes: Ensure that thread pool sizes for the Default and the WebContainer thread pools are set to appropriate levels in the IBM WAS Full Profile.

b. Web Server

Web server logs must also be reviewed for errors. View the maximum connections and total connection attempts to see if your web server can use as many of the connections as it needs. Compare these numbers to memory and processor usage figures to determine if a problem is caused by a connection and not by some other component.

  • IBM HTTP Server Logs: On IBM HTTP Server (IHS), the logs of interest are as follows.
    • access.log
    • admin_access.log
    • admin_error.log
    • error.log
    • http_plug.log
  • ThreadsPerChild: Specifies the number of threads created by each child process. It might be necessary to raise the ThreadsPerChild setting in the IHS httpd.conf configuration file. For more information, see the section 6.4 IBM HTTP Server in the 6 Application Server Tuning best practices.
    • Value for Windows environments: 2400

c. Database Server

Database server memory and instance memory must also be monitored. Database traces and snapshots can be gathered to assist with tuning issues. For more information on Microsoft SQL Server, see the section 5.5 Microsoft SQL Server Database best practices. For more information on general database tuning, see the section 5 Database Server Tuning and Maintenance best practices.

d. Network

Sometimes, it is necessary to understand the network speed throughput from different client locations. This can be a very hard task to accomplish in a timely manner if you must involve the network administration team. In the IBM TRIRIGA Administrator Console, the Performance Monitor manager has a way to help you test different client locations and compare network speed throughputs. The network Speed Throughput Test link tests the network speed from the server to the current user desktop. In the results, you can see your speed throughput in kilobytes, and then an average comparison with other network structures.

The network Speed Throughput Test link can be provided to client end users without the need for a login. Monitoring the bytes per second processed by the network interface card can also give insight to a potential network overload. If you need more detailed network information to understand bandwidth requirements, there are bandwidth-monitoring tools that provide the ability to analyze HTTP requests, the number of roundtrips between tiers, and TCP/IP packet information.

For more information, see the section 2.1 Network Speed Throughput Test in the 2 Network Considerations best practices.

e. CPU

Monitor the CPU to ensure that all processors are being used as expected and that overall CPU utilization remains healthy.

f. Memory

Be careful about monitoring total memory usage. For the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform, JVM heap size is the most important memory metric to monitor on application servers. There are a number of parts to the TRIRIGA platform that, when left unchecked or poorly configured, can contribute to a large memory footprint on the application and process servers, and can cause the server to get into an "Out of Memory" situation where the TRIRIGA server crashes. For more information, see the sections 6 Application Server Tuning and 7 IBM TRIRIGA Tuning best practices.

  • Memory Footprint Contributors: The following is a non-exclusive list of items that can greatly pressure the heap memory on the application and process servers:
    • Workflow Instances: When set to ALWAYS, the WF_INSTANCE_SAVE property consumes a large amount of memory on the application server, and slows down the performance of workflows and actions by 3x or more. Workflow instance saving should only be set to ALWAYS if you are actively debugging workflows. Do not set to ALWAYS for longer than what you need.
    • BIRT Reporting: When exporting large data sets in BIRT, the BIRT engine itself will consume a large amount of heap memory.
    • DataConnect Task: When building a workflow with the DataConnect task, take care in the Transaction section to commit after a small number of records, no more than 10, but it could be as low as 1. This is a setting you will need to tune depending on the integration.
  • Diagnosing "Out of Memory" Situations: When an "Out of Memory" error occurs, typically the only recourse is to restart the application and process servers. At the point of the "Out of Memory", a heap dump should be generated.
    • IBM WebSphere, Liberty Profile: The heap output file is created in the default directory ${server.output.dir}.
    • IBM WebSphere, Full Profile (Traditional): The heap output file is created in the default directory ${WAS_HOME}/profiles/${ProfileName}.
    • Oracle WebLogic: The heap output file is created in the directory from which the Java process was launched.
      Note: As of 2020, Oracle WebLogic Server is no longer supported with IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform and later.
  • Memory Analyzer: After the heap dump is obtained, you can analyze it with the Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool (MAT) to find the memory leaks and reduce memory consumption.
    • MAT consumes a very large amount of memory if your heap dump is very large (6GB or more is large). Your workstation should have at least 16 GB of RAM, and you should close all other applications and configure the Eclipse config.ini file to set its own max heap size to 15 GB (-Xmx15G).
    • The Overview section gives you a high-level insight into what the heap contains. Typically, we see the first- or second-level objects begin to explain what consumed the heap. The following are examples of workflow instance and BIRT report "Out of Memory" heaps, respectively. In the Problem Suspect section, you can identify the main area that consumed the heap.

Memory Analyzer > Workflow Instance "Out of Memory" Heap

Memory Analyzer > Workflow Instance 'Out of Memory' Heap

Memory Analyzer > BIRT Report "Out of Memory" Heap

Memory Analyzer > BIRT Report 'Out of Memory' Heap

9.2.2 Problem Determination Tools

The following tools can be used to assist in determining any performance problems with your IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform.

a. IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform Tools

The following tools can be used to analyze system performance, workflow performance, and other areas of the platform:

  • Administrator Console: The IBM TRIRIGA Administrator Console provides a collection of administrative tools for analyzing and optimizing system health and performance.
  • Workflow Analysis Utility: The IBM TRIRIGA Workflow Analysis Utility (WAU) analyzes workflow performance and process execution. The utility reads IBM TRIRIGA performance logs and displays performance analytics for workflows, including workflow execution time (how long different workflows take to run), and process flow (the order in which workflows ran and what triggered them to run).
  • Performance Analyzer: The IBM TRIRIGA Performance Analyzer is a platform tool that helps you to analyze and diagnose issues in system performance. The Performance Analyzer provides a more streamlined approach to troubleshooting performance issues than the traditional IBM TRIRIGA performance log analysis. The Performance Analyzer helps you to better isolate and analyze the causes of performance issues by generating a log that is more targeted at the problem area.

b. Heap Dump, Thread Dump, and Garbage Collection Utilities

The following tools can be used to debug Java code:

  • IBM HeapAnalyzer: Allows the finding of a possible Java heap leak area through its heuristic search engine and analysis of the Java heap dump in Java applications. This tool supports IBM heap dumps. For information on collecting heap dump files for WAS, see Generating heap dumps manually.
  • IBM Thread and Monitor Dump Analyzer for Java (TMDA): Analyzes javacore files and diagnoses monitor locks and thread activities to identify the root cause of hangs, deadlocks, and resource contention, or to monitor bottlenecks. For information on collecting thread dump files for WAS, see "To force a thread dump" in Web module or application server stops processing requests.
  • IBM Pattern Modeling and Analysis Tool for Java Garbage Collector: Parses verbose GC trace, analyzes Java heap usage, and provides key configurations based on pattern modeling of Java heap usage.
  • IBM Support Assistant: Provides a workbench to help you with problem determination.
  • Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool (MAT): Helps you to find the memory leaks and reduce memory consumption. MAT consumes a very large amount of memory if your heap dump is very large (6GB or more is large). Your workstation should have at least 16 GB of RAM, and you should close all other applications and configure the Eclipse config.ini file to set its own max heap size to 15 GB (-Xmx15G). For more information, see the previous section 9.2.1.f Memory.

c. Application Profiling Utilities

The following tools can be used to profile and debug Java code:

  • Health Center: A GUI-based diagnostics tool for monitoring the status of a running Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
  • YourKit: A CPU and memory Java Profiler that supports J2EE/J2ME.
  • OProfile: A system-wide profiler for Linux systems and can profile any running code with low overhead.

d. Database Utilities

Each of the database platforms contains tools to analyze database health, and SQL queries to assist with any long-running SQL statements. For more information, see your database documentation. Some of the more useful tools include the following:

  • Oracle AWR (Automatic Workload Repository) snapshots
  • Oracle ADDM (Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor) analysis reports
  • IBM Data Studio
  • IBM DB2® monitors and snapshots
  • IBM DB2 Design Advisor (db2advis) and execution plans

9.3 Monitoring the System

The ongoing monitoring of your system can prevent performance issues from arising in the first place. You should have a monitoring strategy in place before you put TRIRIGA into production.

9.3.1 Monitoring Tools

The following tools can also be used to monitor your IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform.

a. Middleware Monitoring Tools

The following tools can be used to monitor the middleware components associated with TRIRIGA:

  • Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV): Enables monitoring of the overall health of WAS from within the Administrative Console.
  • Database Monitoring: Each database platform contains tools that can be used to monitor the database, and to provide useful information.

b. System Resource Monitoring Tools

The following tools can be used to monitor system resources while performing tests:

  • PerfMon: Gathers performance metrics on Windows-based systems. It is part of Windows and provides access to all of the Windows performance counters.
  • nmon: Gathers performance statistics on AIX- or Linux-based systems.
    • nmon for AIX is included with AIX from 5.3 TL09, AIX 6.1 TL02, and Virtual I/O Server (VIOS) 2.1, and is installed by default. nmon for older versions of AIX (classic) can be found on the nmon for AIX wiki.
    • nmon for Linux is released to open source and is available on the nmon for Linux wiki.
  • rstatd: Gathers performance metrics from a UNIX system kernel. rpc.rstatd is shipped with AIX and can be downloaded for Linux platforms from the rstatd 4 Linux site.
  • sysstat: A package of utilities containing the sar, sadf, iostat, mpstat, and pidstat commands for AIX and for Linux.
    • sar provides system information related to I/O, memory, paging, processes, network, and CPU utilization.
    • sadf formats data collected by sar.
    • iostat gives CPU and I/O data disks and TTY devices.
    • mpstat reports global and per-processor data.
    • pidstat reports process data.
  • vmstat: Reports statistics about kernel threads, virtual memory, disks, traps, and CPU activity on UNIX systems.

c. Bandwidth Monitoring Tools

The following tools can be used to monitor network and HTTP bandwidth while performing tests:

  • Wireshark: A network protocol analyzer that can be used to capture network traffic for bandwidth analysis.
  • WinPcap: A packet capture and filtering engine used by many network protocol analyzers, including Wireshark.
  • HttpWatch: An in-browser HTTP sniffer which logs HTTP and HTTPS traffic, and allows you to inspect the traffic. It can be used to understand the requests and responses between a browser client and a web server for bandwidth analysis.
  • Fiddler: A web debugging proxy which logs all HTTP and HTTPS traffic between your computer and the internet. It allows you to inspect the traffic, set breakpoints, and "fiddle" with incoming or outgoing data.