Adding UX objects to an export package

You can select the Application or Web Component object type to search for and add UX applications or web components to your export package.

About this task

By default, when you select Search, all metadata that is related to the application or web component, including dependent metadata, is automatically selected for inclusion in the package.

An Include Dependents check box is displayed when the search completes and the search results contain applications or web components. The check box is selected by default. If you want to limit the dependent data such as Queries, Business Objects, and Workflows in the package, deselect the Include Dependents check box. Then, use the search parameters to search for and add the dependent data that you want. UX dependents of applications and web components, such as Models and Data Sources, are always included at the time you export the package.

The Include Dependents check box is displayed only if your search results contain application or web component object types. It is only with these object types that dependent data can be automatically selected for inclusion in a package. If your search contains other objects that are not associated with an application or web component, the Include Dependents check box has no bearing on those objects. For those objects, you must use the standard method of using Find Dependencies to locate and add the dependent data that you want.

If you select the Application or Web Component object type and add a search term to the Object Name field and select Search, the term is cleared after the results are displayed. The term is cleared so that all dependent objects that are associated with the application or web component are selected, not only those objects whose name contains the term. If you want to go back to your search criteria, select Back.

To track your latest changes before you perform the export, you can create revisions for any UX metadata objects that you changed and saved, such as an Application, Model, or Web View. The Create Revision action saves your changes and applies the In Progress object label to the UX metadata component and all of its dependent children components. Then you can apply a custom object label to these modified objects in the Object Label Manager. If needed, as you add objects to the export package, create revisions by drilling down into the highlighted objects and clicking Create Revision.