The next step is to add objects to your export package by using any of the available
search parameters in the Object Finder panel.
About this task
You can add one object at a time to the package and then add its dependents, or you
can add a set of objects and then add their dependents. The method that you choose to
add objects that are dependents of other objects to your package is based on your
objectives and your familiarity with your IBM® TRIRIGA®
implementation.It might not be necessary to add all dependencies. It entirely
depends on your target environment. You might need to add only the objects that
changed since a specific date. Using the Modified After or Modified By search
parameters can help.
When you locate the first level of dependencies for the
Record Data object type, all subsequent levels of associated record data are
retrieved in the dependency results for the Record Data that you selected.
Therefore, there is no need to find dependents of dependents for Record
Locate an object or a set of objects to add to the export package by specifying
one or more parameters in the Search Parameters section
of the Object Finder panel.
Click Search.
To add the object or set of objects that are listed in the Search Results
section to the export package, select the check boxes for the objects and click
Add Selected Objects.
To add dependents of the selected object or objects that you added to the
package, complete the following steps.
Locate dependents of the selected object or objects by clicking
Find Dependents.
Add dependent objects that are listed in the Search Results section to
the export package by selecting the check boxes for the dependents
objects and click Add Selected Objects.
Add dependents of the dependent object or objects that you added to the
Locate dependents of the selected dependent object or objects by
clicking Find Dependents.
Add dependent objects that are listed in the Search Results section to
the export package by selecting the check boxes for the dependent
objects and clicking Add Selected Objects.
Repeat the process of adding dependents of dependents as needed.
Click Reset Search in the Object Finder to clear the
current search data and select the search parameters for your next object or set
of objects.
When the export package contains all of the objects that you want, save the