OSLC explanations for HTTP codes

OSLC uses standard HTTP response codes as error messages. For example, the HTTP 404 response is normally returned when a web page is not found, and in OSLC the 404 response code is returned when the resource cannot be found.

Some existing error codes are mapped to HTTP codes by default, but you can map extra codes as required.

The following HTTP response codes are implemented by OSLC:

HTTP code OSLC explanation
200 Success
201 Success. The response contains a link.
204 Resource successfully updated. There is no response entity.
400 Error handling request. This error might be due to the request content or URI. For example, there might be a business logic validation error on the server side.
401 Authentication failure.
403 Forbidden. The user password expired.
404 Resource cannot be found or an invalid resource type was provided.
405 HTTP method cannot be used for the resource.
406 Requested representation is not supported.
410 Stable resource page expired.
412 Resource on the client side is stale and must be refreshed from the server. The conditional update failed because the resource was updated by another user or process.
500 All other server errors.

The messages support the languages that are supported by IBM® TRIRIGA®.