Running an ETL custom workflow task specification

The workflow iterates through all the transform business object records and calls the custom workflow task for each record. The custom workflow task includes a defined specification.

When the custom workflow task is called for each transform business object, the fields on it are processed as follows:
  1. The triTransformBI field is required and holds the reference to the transform XML file that you want to run.
  2. The triBONamesTX field, if present, is parsed as a comma-separated list of business object names. The custom workflow task creates variables of the form ${BO.<boName>.TableName}. For example, if the field contains triBuilding, there is a ${BO.triBuilding.TableName} variable available in the ETL script. This variable contains the actual database table name that stores triBuilding records. Since business object names might not be unique, you have the option of specifying the module by using the form <moduleName>::<boName>, which results in a corresponding ${BO.<moduleName>::<boName>.TableName} variable. For example, Location::triBuilding is available as the variable ${BO.Location::triBuilding.TableName} in the ETL script.
  3. The triModuleNamesTX field, if present, is parsed as a comma-separated list of module names. The custom workflow task creates variables of the form ${Module.<moduleName>.ViewName}.