Data maps

For inbound integrations, you must define a data map that maps the data from the external source to existing IBM® TRIRIGA® fields. However, for outbound integrations, you can also define a data map as a dynamic outbound query to select which fields are exported from your IBM TRIRIGA database.

Data maps for inbound integrations

When you define the data map, you must specify the module, business object, form, and fields. After you define the data map, you must save the map before you save the record, or your changes are lost.

The Default Action list is used if the mapped record cannot be found and must be created. If the mapped record exists, the default action is ignored, and the record is updated. The available actions that are listed in the Default Action list are the transitions from the null state that are available for the record.

The data map consists of the following hierarchical form elements:

Displays the hierarchical representation of the form. Each form consists of tabs.
Displays the hierarchical representation of the tab. Each tab consists of sections.
Graphics section
Cannot be mapped.
Query section
Cannot be mapped.
Multi-tab section
Cannot be mapped.
Smart section field

Triggers a popup window to define how to identify the field. When you specify a smart section field, you use the popup window to select the form to use as a filter. Then, you select the field to use as a filter to retrieve the record ID. The record ID of the linked smart section must be identified by the IBM TRIRIGA Connector for Business Applications.

Locator field
Acts as a standard field, but the integration fails if the data cannot be located or is not unique.
Standard field
Is a text field that is treated as a string.
Date field
Is not displayed in the hierarchy. Instead, you use the field attributes table to define the correct IBM TRIRIGA date format for the incoming data.
Read-only field
Indicated by a strikethrough line and cannot be mapped, but it can be used as a key field to help identify the record.
Required field
Indicated by a red font and is required to create the record. The integration fails if this field is not mapped.
Each field in the data map possesses the following field attributes:
Base Parent
For hierarchical business objects such as geography, location, and organization, the path that identifies the root of the hierarchy. To ensure that the record is created under the correct root of the hierarchy, you must specify the path. If you do not specify the path, the record is created at the same level as the root and you cannot see or access the record from the form. An example might look like \Location.
The metadata definition type of the field. All fields are treated as strings. Examples include List, Number, and Text.

The name of the external field that you want to map to IBM TRIRIGA. Because the values can be used for database columns or formatted files, do not use spaces, special characters, or numbers. An example is User_Language.

When used in the response map of the HTTP post scheme, you can specify an XPath string or a JSONPath string.

Indicates whether the incoming record has a field that is defined as a key. If so, the value for the incoming row of data is used as a filter for the queried business object and exactly one record ID is returned. To update records in IBM TRIRIGA, you need the record ID to identify the record. If no record ID is found or multiple record IDs are returned, then the row creates a record with all values for the row.
Indicates whether the incoming record has a field that is defined as a parent. If so, the value for the incoming record is used as a filter in the query that is used to capture the record ID for the parent. By identifying the parent record of another record, the hierarchy can be created. To identify the child record of another record, you must include the record ID of the parent in the create-record or update-record request. If you define this value in the data map, this parent identification is handled automatically. If no parent is found or multiple parents are returned, then a warning is logged, and the record is created at the same level as the root.
The constant value that is applied to all instances of the record. An example is US English. If you specify a default value, the External value is ignored, and the default column must exist only in this data map. The default value is only used at run time by the file scheme and HTTP post scheme. If you selected the database scheme, you must select the Generate SQL for Table action to set the default value in the staging table; the value is ignored at run time.

Data maps for inbound DataConnect integrations

When you define the data map, you must specify the module, business object, form, and staging table. After you define the data map, you must save the map before you save the record, or your changes are lost.

The data map for DataConnect integrations is similar to data maps that are used for other inbound integrations with the following exceptions or notes:
The list of modules is specific to those modules with business objects that have enabled the Has Staging Table property.
Business Objects
The list of business objects is specific to those business objects that have enabled the Has Staging Table property.
The value in the Forms field must be specified for the process to work correctly.
Staging Table
When a business object is selected, a query runs and displays the available database columns from the staging table that are associated with the business object. The Staging Table field is populated and is read-only.
The hierarchy shows the fields that are defined as staging table fields. The read-only fields, which are indicated by strikethrough lines, are used by the automatic process and cannot be mapped. The other fields are available.
Field attributes

When you select an available field, a new row is added to the field attributes table. The External attribute shows the name of the database column by default, but you can change it to match your file header. The isKey, isParent, and Default attributes are read-only and are not used.

Because you are mapping the import file to the staging database columns, the first row of the import file must have columns that match the External attribute values. The sequence of the columns does not matter, but the column names are case-sensitive. For example, if the External values in the data map are listed as Field1, Field2, Field3, then the actual external columns can be named Field2, Field1, Field3. If the names are identical, the fields are applied correctly.

Data maps for outbound integrations

For outbound integrations, you must define an outbound query to select which fields are exported from your IBM TRIRIGA database. You can define an outbound query from the IBM TRIRIGA report manager. You can also define a data map as a dynamic outbound query.