Suggested actions

The following issues cannot be repaired automatically. The table shows the issue that is written to the WorkflowCleanup.log file and the corresponding description and suggested actions.

Issue Description
Condition expression is invalid. Review and correct the expression. A workflow condition expression is invalid and the expression cannot be processed. At run time, these conditions are treated as though they are blank. For Start conditions, the workflow is started. For Switch conditions, the expression is always true. For Break conditions, the Loop or Iteration is stopped. The information for the workflow lists the expression and the task step in which it is contained. The process leaves the workflow in the published state. The workflow must be revised, the expression must be corrected, and the workflow must be republished.
Retired the workflow because of a block structure error that cannot be repaired. A block structure within the workflow has a problem that makes it invalid and cannot be repaired by the process. The following task types define block structures: Switch, Loop, Iterator, Fork, and DataConnect. The process retires the workflow. Review the retired workflow and correct any problems. It is possible that a workflow that is listed might not open in the Workflow Builder. If the listed workflow version cannot be opened, then open older versions for review.
Retired the workflow because of a missing Start step that cannot be repaired. The workflow is missing the Start task step and cannot be repaired by the process. The process retires the workflow. Review the retired workflow and correct any problems. It is possible that a workflow that is listed might not open in the Workflow Builder. If the listed workflow version cannot be opened, then open older versions for review.
Retired the workflow because of missing Start and End steps that cannot be repaired. The workflow is missing the Start and End task steps and cannot be repaired by the process. The process retires the workflow. Review the retired workflow and correct any problems. It is possible that a workflow that is listed might not open in the Workflow Builder. If the listed workflow version cannot be opened, then open older versions for review.
Retired the workflow because of a structure error that cannot be repaired. The step-to-step structure of the workflow has a problem that makes it invalid and the structure cannot be repaired by the process. The process retires the workflow. Review the retired workflow and correct any problems. It is possible that a workflow that is listed might not open in the Workflow Builder. If the listed workflow version cannot be opened, then open older versions for review.
Retired the workflow because of an unknown task type <type-number>. The workflow contains a step with a task type that cannot be understood by the workflow processor. Since the step uses an unknown task type, this condition cannot be repaired by the process. The process retires the workflow. Review the retired workflow and correct any problems. It is possible that a workflow that is listed might not open in the Workflow Builder. If the listed workflow version cannot be opened, then open older versions for review.
Retired the workflow because of missing step definitions that cannot be repaired. The properties for one or more steps within the workflow cannot be loaded. Since the properties for the step are specific to the logic of the workflow, this condition cannot be repaired by the process. The process retires the workflow. Review the retired workflow and correct any problems. It is possible that a workflow that is listed might not open in the Workflow Builder. If the listed workflow version cannot be opened, then open older versions for review.
Unexpected problem in trying to load the workflow. This issue covers any problems that do not fit into any of the other categories. The process retires the workflow. Review the retired workflow and correct any problems. It is possible that a workflow that is listed might not open in the Workflow Builder. If the listed workflow version cannot be opened, then open older versions for review.