Installation checklists

Before you install the IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Platform, you can follow the application server and database checklists that apply to your implementation.

Checklist for new IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform installations

Item Description
Release notes Read the IBM TRIRIGA Release Notes that apply to your installation version for information and instructions that are specific to that release.
Data recovery and backups Before starting the installation process, create a data recovery plan to be used in the event of a IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform system failure. IBM TRIRIGA is a Java enterprise application that runs on a variety of Java application servers and database platforms. Each application server and database platform provides different methods and recommendations for backups and recovery. Consult the product information provided with the application server and database platform you are using with IBM TRIRIGA for backup and recovery operation standards and best practices. After a successful installation, the IBM TRIRIGA installation folder can be backed up regularly to preserve IBM TRIRIGA system settings.
Full installation Follow the full installation process for a new installation. If you are upgrading an existing IBM TRIRIGA implementation, see the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: Upgrade Installation Guide.
Language packs To decrease the size of the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform installer, the installer no longer includes the IBM TRIRIGA language packs .zip file. The language packs .zip file is on the Application Upgrade image in the IBM TRIRIGA application eAssembly on the IBM Passport Advantage website. Download the image and copy the language packs .zip file into the [install directory]\userfiles\LanguagePacks directory on your TRIRIGA server. The directory structure of the language packs separates the label packs from the data packs. You must unpack the main language pack before you select the individual language pack to import. Make sure that you import the correct type of language pack in the specific interface. For example, if you are in the Label Manager, you must import a label pack. If you are in the Language Manager, you must import a data pack. Importing a data pack is not required if your installation is US English only. For more information, see the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: Globalization User Guide.
First steps in the installation
  • Install the 64-bit version of Oracle Java 8, minimum update version 171. The Java installation path must not contain spaces.
  • Run the installer:
    • From the Windows environment, double-click the install.exe file. On Windows, C:\Tririga is the default installation location.
    • Connect and log in to your application server as the IBM TRIRIGA user through SSH or other remote terminal application.
    • From the UNIX or Linux® command line, log in to a terminal as the IBM TRIRIGA user and type ./install.bin -i console. To go back, type back and press the Enter key. On UNIX servers, /usr/local/tririga is the typical installation location. After the root super user pre-creates this directory, run the chown tririga /usr/local/tririga command as root, where tririga is the name of the installation user.
Java virtual machine (JVM) During the installation:
  • Select the path to the JDK that you want the installer to use. The screen lists the java.exe versions that are available on your target computer. IBM TRIRIGA supports the 64-bit version of IBM Java 8 SDK and Oracle Java 8 JDK. To obtain the IBM SDK download package for your operating system, see this IBM Support page.
    • WebSphere® Application Server Liberty installations support both the 64-bit version of IBM Java 8 and Oracle Java.
    • WebSphere Application Server installations support the 64-bit version of IBM Java 8.
Installation directory During the installation, specify the complete path of the directory to which you want to install the files:
  • The installation path must not have any spaces. If it has spaces, specify another path. On Windows, C:\Tririga is the typical location. On UNIX, /usr/local/tririga is the typical location.
  • The directory must not have an existing installation. If it has an existing installation, rename that directory. For example, rename the directory to add the word "old" and the date.
Application data During the installation, choose the compressed file where the IBM TRIRIGA application data is stored. This compressed file is named and is selected automatically by the installer. If the file is not selected, then locate and select the correct file.
After the installation After the installation is complete:
  • Verify that your installation is running properly. For more information, see the topic about the verification checklist.

Checklist for new IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform installations on Oracle Database

Item Description
Release notes Read the IBM TRIRIGA Release Notes.
Multibyte language support If you support multibyte languages, the Oracle Database must originally be installed as a multibyte database. If the database was not originally installed as a multibyte database, it cannot be changed afterwards.
Multibyte language support If you support multibyte languages, take the following steps before you begin the installation:
  • Set the instance character set to AL32UTF8 or AL32UTF16. If you do not select a AL32UTF8 or AL32UTF16 character set, a multibyte character is shown as a question mark when saved in the database.
  • Set the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS parameter to CHAR (not BYTE). If you use BYTE instead of CHAR, the platform does not run the length operations correctly and data can be lost.
  • Set a block size of at least 16K.
User name requirement For Oracle Database, the schema owner must use the same user ID as the database user.

Checklist for new IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform installations on Microsoft SQL Server

Item Description
Release notes Read the IBM TRIRIGA Release Notes.
Users Verify that the database user that is being used for the new installation is uniquely associated to the database.
Multibyte language support New installations of IBM TRIRIGA only support Microsoft SQL Server databases configured for multibyte languages. You must select a collation for the database when you install IBM TRIRIGA.
Multibyte language support and WebSphere Application Server Verify in the WebSphere Application Server data source that the custom property of sendStringParametersAsUnicode is set to true.
User name requirement You can use different Microsoft SQL Server values for the database name and the database user ID.
Database authentication For Microsoft SQL Server, the database login is required to be SQL Server Authentication. Windows authentication is not supported. In addition, this account must be the DBO of the database, and have full permissions to all functions and methods to allow IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform to function.
Database collation and case-sensitivity You can install IBM TRIRIGA on a Case Sensitive Microsoft SQL Server, however, the TRIRIGA database must be Case Insensitive.

Checklist for new IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform installations on IBM DB2

Item Description
Release notes Read the IBM TRIRIGA Release Notes.
IBM DB2® Perform DB2 configuration steps.
Multibyte language support
  • If you support multibyte languages, the IBM DB2 database must originally be created as UTF-8. If the database was not originally created as UTF-8, it cannot be changed afterwards.
  • Set the string_units parameter to CODEUNITS32.
Data collection performance settings in WebSphere Application Server
Data collection performance settings are configured by adding or verifying a new property in the data source properties:

The isolation level for WebSphere Application Server is set to webSphereDefaultIsolationLevel=2 to prevent database locking.