Troubleshooting UX globalization

When you attempt to localize elements that support the UX framework, such as dictionary entries, errors might occur.

Translated static text does not display in the UX view

Translated UX File Cache
Clear the Translated UX File Cache in the Cache Manager. When you clear this cache, the components and HTML files that make up the translated UX views are refreshed. Translated UX views are regenerated the next time that they are requested from the server.
Translated Dictionary Cache
Clear the Translated Dictionary Cache in the Cache Manager. When you clear this cache, the translatable and translated text that is stored as records of the triDictionaryEntry business object in the System module are refreshed. Translated UX views are regenerated the next time that they are requested from the server.

If you change dictionary records from the Globalization Manager tool or forms, non-US English users must also clear their browser cache so that the translated view is regenerated with the updated translations.


This issue can occur when you manually add a non-US English dictionary record for which there is no equivalent base language dictionary record defined. Before you manually add such a record, you must make sure that the T_TRIDICTIONARYENTRY database table has an entry for the same text value, where the language code equals that of the base language.

The steps illustrate an example where the Danish translation for the phrase, Amount of paper waste is added.
  1. Obtain the language ID values for both the base language and Danish. One method to obtain the language ID values is to run the following SQL query:
    select * from list_value where list_id=975 and language_id=1;
  2. Note the LIST_VALUE_ID for the base language and the language that is your target language.
  3. Create a dictionary entry, where
    • triLanguageIdNU is the value for the base language (US English is 1)
    • triBaseTX and triTranslationTX are the text in the base language (in this example, Amount of paper waste).
  4. Create a dictionary entry for the Danish value, where
    • triLanguageIdNU is the value for the target language that you obtained in step 2
    • triBaseTX is the text in the base language (in this example, Amount of paper waste)
    • triTranslationTX is the text in the target language (in this example, Mængde papiraffald)
Result: When you export the dictionary in Danish, the second record is displayed.