To adjust the IBM® TRIRIGA® web application properties, open the file. The application server must be restarted for changes in the file to take effect.

1: File system settings

Property Values Description
FileSystemRoot [Valid path]

The path to the userfiles directory.

For example, C:/Tririga/userfiles.

FileSystemBrowseRoot [Valid path]

The path to the userfiles directory.

For example, C:/Tririga/userfiles.

BatchInputLoc [Valid path]

The path to the directory where the batch upload data files are stored.

For example, C:/Tririga/userfiles/input.

BatchProcessLoc [Valid path]

The path to the directory where the batch upload data files are processed.

For example, C:/Tririga/userfiles/processing.

BatchOutputLoc [Valid path]

The path to the directory where the batch upload data process writes to the output log.

For example, C:/Tririga/userfiles/output.

BatchErrorLoc [Valid path]

The path to the directory where the batch upload data process writes to the error log.

For example, C:/Tririga/userfiles/error.

BatchLogLoc [Valid path]

The path to the directory where the batch upload data process writes to the running log.

For example, C:/Tririga/userfiles/log.

ServerRoot [Valid path]

The path to the parent directory of the userfiles directory.

For example, C:/Tririga.

2: External server settings

Property Values Description [Host name or IP address]

The simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) mail server for delivering outgoing notifications and messages to external mail systems. This property is set to a host name or IP address. In most cases, the mail server must be listening on port 25.

The SMTP server must be configured to accept outgoing emails from the IP address of the IBM TRIRIGA server without authentication.

For example, LAPTOP234 and

mail.smtp.port [Number]

The port setting for the outgoing SMTP mail server.

For example, 25. [String]

The SMTP mail server domain name for delivering outgoing notifications and messages. In most cases, the mail server must be listening on port 25. The platform tries to use this property value first, and if this property value is not set, the platform uses the value in

For example,

mail.imaps.ssl.key [String]

For the Incoming Mail Agent to connect to and process IMAPS requests where the SSL certificate is self signed, use this property to point to a keystore file on the local server that has been configured to accept and trust the IMAPS Server's SSL Key. This is the path on the server's file system to where the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) keystore is loaded for the SSL connection. If no value is specified, but the Internet Message Access Protocol - Secure (IMAPS) is used for the Incoming Mail Agent, then the application server must set the keystore.

mail.imaps.ssl.port [Number]

The default port setting for IMAPS.

For example, 993.

You can add JavaMail API properties (mail.smtp.*) to the file that customize the behavior of the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform mail framework. If you do not add these properties, default values and specifications are used.

Brava server settings

Property Values Description

The Brava server URL. For more information, see Brava integration.

For example, http\://\:8080

BRAVA_EXCLUDE_LIST [Valid file extensions]

A list of file extensions to identify the files to be ignored by Brava. If no value is specified, then all file extensions are passed to Brava. Separate the file extensions in the list with commas. Do not include the dot (".") when you specify an extension. For more information, see Brava integration.

For example, html,htm,svg,rpt,zip,exe,doc,xls,ppt,pdf,txt,xml,docx,xlsx,pptx,jar

CMIS settings

Property Values Description

Set to Y if the installation uses a CMIS-supported ECM to manage documents within TRIRIGA.

Set to N if the installation uses TRIRIGA Document Manager to manage documents.

The default value is N.


The URL of the CMIS server for the AtomPub protocol.

Leave this property blank if CMIS is not enabled.

CMIS_USER [String]

The user name of the CMIS server.

Leave this property blank if CMIS is not enabled.

CMIS_PW [String]

The password for the CMIS server.

The password must be encrypted.

Leave this property blank if CMIS is not enabled.

CMIS_STORE [Store_name]

The name of the ECM document store that holds the TRIRIGA documents.

Leave this property blank if CMIS is not enabled.

CMIS_ROOT [Folder name]

The ECM folder that is the root for all TRIRIGA documents.

Leave this property blank if CMIS is not enabled.

3: Agent settings

Property Values Description

A comma-delimited list of agents that are not allowed to run on this server.

Manage agent settings for this server and all other IBM TRIRIGA servers on the Agent Manager page of the administrator console. For more information, see the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: Administrator Console User Guide.

A blank value allows any agent to be started on this server but does not start any agent automatically.


Overrides the default computer ID.

The INSTANCE properties override the default system ID and system name. If you leave these optional properties blank, a hostname lookup action is used to name the instance and calculate the ID.

Note: The INSTANCE_ID property must be set to an integer value.

When two or more IBM TRIRIGA servers are running on the same physical computer, the INSTANCE_ID property must be unique for independent agent management. The INSTANCE_ID property must be set to an integer value less than 10000.

Leave this value blank if you are running a single instance per physical computer.


Overrides the default computer name.

The INSTANCE properties override the default system ID and system name. If you leave these optional properties blank, a hostname lookup action is used to name the instance and calculate the ID.

When two or more IBM TRIRIGA servers are running on the same physical computer, the INSTANCE_NAME property must be unique for independent agent management. When a value is present, the value of the INSTANCE_NAME property can be any alphanumeric value.

Leave this value blank if you are running a single instance per physical computer.

CadIntegratorLoad [Number]

The maximum load.

For example, 100.0.

CadIntegratorMaxThreads [Number]

The maximum number of threads.

The default value is 5.

DataImportAgentLoad [Number]

The number of threads in proportion to the number of connections.

For example, 100.0.

DataImportAgentMaxThreads [Number]

The maximum number of threads.

If there is no upper limit, set to 0.

The default value is 6.

SchedulerAgentLoad [Number]

The number of threads in proportion to the number of connections.

For example, 100.0.

SchedulerAgentMaxThreads [Number]

The maximum number of threads.

If there is no upper limit, set to 0.

The default value is 3.

WFAgentLoad [Number]

The number of threads in proportion to the number of connections.

For example, 100.0.

WFAgentMaxThreads [Number]

The maximum number of threads.

If there is no upper limit, set to 0.

The default value is 80.

ReportQueueAgentLoad [Number]

The number of threads in proportion to the number of connections.

For example, 100.0.

ReportQueueAgentMaxThreads [Number]

The maximum number of threads.

If there is no upper limit, set to 0.

The default value is 2.


The agent idle time in seconds before it might be considered down and other servers might initiate cleanup action on the agent and its server.

The default value is 60. The lowest acceptable value is 60.


The thread limit per user on active workflows.

Set this property to a low number to prevent one user from reaching the environment maximum.

The default value is 70.

WF_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_ID [Valid email address]

The sent-from email address on outgoing workflow notifications.

For example,


Assign a title to outgoing emails sent from the address defined for WF_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_ID.

For example, Workflow Notifications<>


Specifies the HTML tags that are allowed in outgoing email and can be used to allow images to be placed in outgoing mail.

To add to the comma-delimited list, add the new HTML tag without spaces. When left blank, the default list will be used.

The default list contains: html,head,title,body, h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,p,br,hr,pre,em,strong,code, b,i,a,ul,li,ol,dl,dd,dt,table,tr,td,thead, tbody,th,input,form,select,option,textarea, blockquote,div,span,label,style


Specifies the HTML attributes that are allowed in outgoing email and can be used to allow images to be placed in outgoing mail.

To add to the comma-delimited list, add the new HTML attribute without spaces. When left blank, the default list will be used.

The default list contains: id,class,src,value,href,alt,width,colspan,rowspan,readonly,style,type,align,nowrap,height,valign,cellspacing,cellpadding,checked,selected

Configures when workflow instances are saved. The property includes the following values:
  • ERRORS_ONLY: Save instances only when an error occurs. This is the default value.
  • DATA_LOAD: Use this value for the mass or batch loading of many records. This value bypasses and never saves any instances, which increases performance and decreases database size. This can be used in production environments as well, especially if the production environment has many workflows that error out or have Stop tasks, but there are no application developers available to correct the problems in the workflows.
  • PER_WORKFLOW_ALWAYS: Save the instance if the workflow is configured to save.
  • ALWAYS: Always save instances. Never use this value in a production environment, and never for more than a few hours.

Instances that are required by the platform are saved as necessary regardless of this setting. Suspended workflows and workflows with errors are always saved.

Changing this property within the file requires restarting the server for the change to take effect.

Workflow Agent Manager. You can change the setting from the administrator console without restarting the server. The Workflow Agent Manager contains a Workflow Instance Recording field and a Save action. The field contains the following options:
  • Errors Only: Corresponds to the ERRORS_ONLY value.
  • Data Loading: Corresponds to the DATA_LOAD value.
  • As configured in the workflow: Corresponds to the PER_WORKFLOW_ALWAYS value.
  • Always: Corresponds to the ALWAYS value. Never use this value in a production environment, and never for more than a few hours.

Never use the ALWAYS value in production environments. Never use the ALWAYS value for an extended period of time. It will cause performance issues and excessive space consumption. It is better to use PER_WORKFLOW_ALWAYS in a development environment to isolate issues without saving instances of other unrelated application processes. Do not leave WF Instance set to ALWAYS for more than a few hours as you troubleshoot an issue Serious performance, memory, and database space problems will happen if you keep this setting.

WF_INSTANCE_SAVE (continued)  

There is also an option to restore this setting from the file.

The setting takes effect as soon as you click Save. This setting affects the specific server on which the administrator console is being accessed; it does not apply across servers. This setting stays in effect until it is changed or until the server is restarted. Restarting the server reverts the setting to the value in the file.


Configures when workflow instances should stop being saved.

When excessive workflow instances are saved, the platform will stop saving if the number of saved instances exceeds a certain threshold. This feature allows administrators to set an upper bound for how many workflow instances will be saved in a 24-hour period. This setting will prevent the Platform Maintenance Scheduler (Cleanup Agent) from being impacted by excessive workflow instance data. The default value is 1000. To override the default value, set WF_INSTANCE_SAVE_24HR_THRESHOLD=#### where #### is a positive integer, and restart the server. This must be set on each server in the environment. Do not set this value to a number larger than 10000 or the Platform Maintenance Scheduler (Cleanup Agent) will take a long time to remove the debugging records.

The default value is 1000.

The maximum value is 10000.


If set to Y, the platform uses the binary load process. The Workflow Templates are loaded with their stored binary version, if they cannot be found in the Workflow Template cache.

If set to N or no value, the platform skips the binary load process.

The default value is Y.

FRONT_END_SERVER [Host name or IP address]

The main URL that the user enters to access the IBM TRIRIGA application. It consists of a protocol (optional), host (required), and port (optional). If no protocol is specified, then "http://" is used by default.

For example:

This property must be configured properly for Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) reports in IBM TRIRIGA to work correctly.

If your users are seeing an application error "Unable to launch the application", you must set this property. If you are not using Apache HTTP Server, enter the application server IP with the port number. For example, if your application server is running on SERVER123, this property must be set to SERVER123:8001.

Important: If you are using Microsoft Outlook or the Room Reservation Perceptive app (without Microsoft Exchange integration), then this property must be set to use the "https://" (secure) protocol in the URL. When integrated with Microsoft Exchange, the Room Reservation Perceptive app requires the "https://" protocol because in Microsoft Azure, OAuth applications support "https://" callback URLs only. To avoid linking issues, it is recommended that your users sign in with the same URL that is set by this property with "https://" (secure) in the URL.
EXTERNAL_FRONT_END_SERVER [Host name or IP address]

The main URL an external user would click in an e-mail notification to access the IBM TRIRIGA system. It consists of a protocol, host, and, optionally, a port value. Do not add the context-path.

IBM TRIRIGA supports split horizon DNS, so internal and external users can access IBM TRIRIGA using the same URL. The DNS server delivers an internal IP address for internal personnel, and an external IP address for external personnel.

CLEAN_HOUR [Whole number from 0 to 23]

The hour at which the Cleanup Agent starts, in 24-hour time.

The default value is 0.

CLEAN_TIMEOUT [Whole number]

The number of minutes the Platform Maintenance Agent is allowed to run.

The default value is 240.


The DataConnect Agent deletes completed or obsolete DataConnect Jobs that are older than this number of days.

The default value is 5.


The Cleanup Agent deletes workflows that are not waiting on a user or on approval tasks that are older than this number of days.

The default value is 5.


If set to Y, the platform runs the Scheduler Cleanup tasks.

The default value is Y.


The platform moves scheduled events that were not completed in this many days to a completed state.

The default value is 7 (1 week).


The maximum number of records in a batch of records that is marked for deletion, to remove from the tables at one time. The Modulus function will be used on the SPEC_ID to place records in a batch. So if there are 35000 records to clean up, and this value is set at a batch size of 10000, then there will be 4 batches of around 10000 each. If there are 1000 records to clean up, set at a batch size of 10000, there will be 1 batch.

The default value is 50000.


This will perform a very expensive statement to add back the removed associations for smart sections. This is typically caused by a workflow which removes an association that is used in a smart section without clearing or de-linking the record that is used in the smart section. The legacy behavior is to set this to TRUE. However, this can be set to FALSE, if you are sure that there are no de-association tasks that would remove a smart section's associations.

The default value is TRUE.


This deletes Document Manager records from the DM_CONTENT and DM_SMART_OBJECT tables. When the document records are deleted by using a report or workflow, this process marks the document record for cleanup. If you also want to delete the corresponding document during cleanup, set the value to TRUE. Then this process performs the cleanup of the actual document along with the document record.

The default value is FALSE.


The maximum size of the batch when cleaning up workflow instances.

The default value is 200000.


The number of milliseconds that the Workflow Agent waits before it checks for more free threads. This property is not the same as Workflow Agent sleep time.

The minimum value is 100.

The default value is 100.


The frequency with which to check the WF_EVENT table for new events, during the rest period when there are no events to process. If you are running multiple Workflow Agent servers, set this value to a unique value between 4500 and 5500, so that the different agents do not get into lock step with each other. By default, TRIRIGA will generate a random value between 4500 and 5500, so you should not need to set this value.

If set, the default value is 4999.


The number of seconds that the Workflow Future Agent waits before it checks whether more items must be processed.

The default value is 5.


The number of minutes that the Report Data Index Agent waits before it checks whether more items must be processed.

The default value is 5.


The number of records in a report before the Report Data Index Agent reindexes the report.

The default value is 500.


The number of minutes that the DataConnect Agent waits before it checks whether more items must be processed.

Use a negative integer to indicate a value measured in seconds. For example, to check every ten seconds, use the value -10. Ten seconds is the shortest interval supported.

The default value is 10.

INCOMING_MAIL_AGENT_SLEEP_TIME [Number] Incoming Mail Agent sleep time, measured in seconds.

For example, 5.

The default value is 5. This parameter must be set to a minimum value of 1.

4: System settings

Property Values Description
BaseCurrency [Valid currency]

The base currency for currency conversions.

An administrator must set this value at the time of installation. Evaluate your use of currencies during implementation and add or remove currencies that are necessary to your business before you add records. Failure to do so before you create records can cause conversion issues or data loss on those records. Changing the currency after the transaction records have been created is not recommended as previously created records will not be updated. Consult your implementation team before you attempt to remove or change a currency unit of measure (UOM) after implementation.

The default value is US Dollars.


The default System User email to use for "forgot password" functionality. If no email address is specified in the System User's My Profile record, the password reset information for the System User is sent to this email address. In this scenario, this email address is saved in the System User's My Profile record.

CancelLabel [String]

The label that replaces the Cancel action on all form wizards.

A blank value hides the Cancel action.

If the value is set to Cancel, the word is translated for non-US English users on the record form and report manager pages. If set to x, the value is shown regardless of the language settings for the end user. If the value of this property is empty or the property is not in the file, the Cancel button is not displayed.

The default value is x.


The application context path that accesses the IBM TRIRIGA application. The first character must be /. If you revise this property, you must also revise the enterprise archive (EAR) application.xml file.

The default value is /.

SecurityScopeCacheTimeGap [Number]

The frequency at which the Security Scope Cache is refreshed in minutes.

The default value is 20.

DataRefreshTime [Number]

The frequency at which the portal data is refreshed in minutes.

The default value is 5.


If set to Y, the environment runs in single sign-on (SSO) mode.

If set to Y, when you log out of IBM TRIRIGA, the session is ended by closing the browser or browser tab used to access IBM TRIRIGA.

The default value is N.


The port number that is used by the back-end server. If the SSO server port does not match the back-end server port, this property must be set.

The default value is -1. If -1 or any other negative value is set for this property, then the port number that is set for the front-end server is also set for the back-end server port.


If set to Y, the request.getRemoteUser() method is used to sign in. The user name must exactly match the user name that is created in IBM TRIRIGA.

When the value of SSO_USER_PRINCIPAL is Y, set SSO_REMOTE_USER to N.

The default value is Y.


If the system is configured to append the User Principal Name (UPN) to the HTTP header, set this property to Y.

If set to Y, the HTTP header parameter UserPrincipal is used, and the user name is retrieved by calling the request.getUserPrincipal().getName() method.

When the value is Y, set the value of the SSO_REMOTE_USER property to N.

The default value is N.


If set to Y, the prefixed or appended domain name is removed from the directory server user name that is passed by using the SSO_REMOTE_USER property.

The default value is Y.

  • If user names contain a domain name when passed from the directory server and user names in IBM TRIRIGA contain only the user name, set this property to Y.
  • If user names contain a domain name when passed from the directory server and user names in IBM TRIRIGA include the domain name, set this property to N.
SSO_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME [headername], sm_user, [username], [$WSRU]

The name of the property that is inserted into the HTTP header whose value is the IBM TRIRIGA user name.

Example 1:
For use with SiteMinder, set


Example 2:
For use with SAML SSO and WebSphere® Application Server standalone or WebSphere Application Server Liberty, set


This property is case sensitive. Use the requestTest.jsp page to check the correct parameter name.

If the user name is stored in a distinct HTTP attribute variable, set SSO_REMOTE_USER to N, and set this property to the HTTP attribute name.

In some systems, you can define the variable name in which the user name is located. In this case, set this property to the variable name in your system.

The default value is headername.


The unauthorized.jsp page sends an HTTP Error 401 response in the HTTP Header.

If set to Y, the header response is disabled.

If you want the HTTP Error 401 response sent, set this property to N.

The default value is N.


If set to Y, sign-in user names are case-sensitive.

If you want to authenticate without case sensitivity, set this property to N.

The default value is Y.

SSO_SINGLE_SIGN_OUT_REDIRECT_URL [URL] Define to redirect users to a single sign out URL.

If the SSO parameter is set to Y and this parameter is left blank, the window will close on exit.

If the SSO parameter is set to N and this parameter is left blank, the user will be directed to the default login page.


Controls how the URL for the "Open Record" feature is generated in CAD Integrator and Connector for BIM. This property only works for service-provider-initiated SSO where the provider passes a query parameter from the initial request to the final redirect URL.

If set to Y, an SSO login is required.


The path to the alternative sign-in page resource directory, for example, C:\pathToTRIRIGA\userfiles\alt.


The file name of the alternative sign-in page, for example, index.html


Specifies which images in the USERFILES table can be accessed without a user session. To make images available to users before they have authenticated with the system, add the images to this property as a list of comma-separated values. Each value must be the name of the image as it is found in the FILELOC column of the USERFILES table.

For example, /images/ExampleImage1.png,/images/ExampleImage2.png

DocumentWorkflowTraversal N, Y

If set to Y, document permissions are handled with a custom workflow.

The default value is N.


Sets the default title for the IBM TRIRIGA application.


If set to Y, portal queries display URL text.

The default value is Y.


If set to Y, the full Help business object is shown when you click the Help link.

If set to N, the Notes section of the Help business object is shown.

The default value is Y.

REPORT_MEMORY_USAGE_LIMIT [Whole number from 0 to 100], [Blank]

The maximum percentage of available server memory that can be used while running or exporting an end-user report or query. This limit applies to My Reports, Community Reports, and System Reports. System Reports that run in a workflow will also apply this restriction.

If this percentage is exceeded, the query will encounter an error due to insufficient resources. If such an error is encountered for a query, it is likely that the query was the cause of the error, but it is not necessarily caused by the query since other concurrent processes could have also consumed memory while the query was assembling its results.

Valid values are between 0 and 100. The specific values of 0 and 100 will essentially disable any limit being enforced. This is not recommended, because it means a single query initiated by a single user could run the server out of memory. An empty value or invalid value is treated as the default value.

The default value is 90. This indicates that no executing report can consume more than 90% of available memory.


The number of records at a time that will be processed to export a report to Microsoft Excel. This is not a maximum, but a batch process size. Care should be taken because an export can consume a lot of memory on the application server. This should be tuned to balance the number of batches to run versus the memory heap available on this application server.

The default value is 75000.


If set to Y, the module name shows in the title bar of a record wizard.

The default value is N.


If set to Y, the My Timesheet link displays wherever the My Timesheet link can be displayed.

The default value is N.


If set to Y, metadata tables are analyzed during the flat data conversion process.

The default value is Y.


If set to yes, the validator runs when you upgrade from

TRIRIGA 8i to the TRIRIGA Application Platform 2.x.

The default value is yes.

Reserve N, Y
Note: This property was deprecated and is no longer used.

The default value is N.

If set to Y, the IBM TRIRIGA Workplace Reservation Manager application is enabled.


Sets the Microsoft Exchange server path for IBM TRIRIGA Workplace Reservation Manager appointments.

The default value is exchange.


The user name for integrating with Microsoft Exchange and IBM TRIRIGA Workplace Reservation Manager.

This value can be plain text or encrypted. For information about the encryption tool, see the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: Administrator Console User Guide.


The password for integrating with Microsoft Exchange and IBM TRIRIGA Workplace Reservation Manager.

This value can be plain text or encrypted. For information about the encryption tool, see the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: Administrator Console User Guide.


The IBM TRIRIGA subdomain for the Microsoft Exchange server. This value determines which emails are forwarded to IBM TRIRIGA. The resources that are managed in IBM TRIRIGA must have a contact to forward to in this subdomain.

For example, reserve.tririga


The IBM TRIRIGA domain for the Microsoft Exchange server.

For example,


The maximum character length of the IBM TRIRIGA domain for the Microsoft Exchange server.

For example, 255.


The interval in seconds of the Microsoft Graph API event consolidation for the Microsoft Exchange server.

If set to a non-zero value, Microsoft subscription events are not immediately dispatched. They are held for at least the set interval and up to twice the set interval. Consequently, if one or more identical events are received while an event is being held, they are consolidated and only a single event is dispatched.


The interval in seconds of the Microsoft Graph API event debounce for the Microsoft Exchange server.

By default, Microsoft Graph API calendar events are "debounced" for iCal UID. This means that the system waits to dispatch Graph calendar events until all of the events for a given iCal UID are received. This setting determines that if no new events for the iCal UID are received within the debounce interval, then all of the events are received. Then a single event is dispatched with the latest state of the Graph calendar event (meeting).

If set to a value <= 0, this behavior is disabled.

The default value is 10.

Note: Disabling this behavior, or setting a value that is too low, might cause duplicate meetings to be created in IBM TRIRIGA when meetings with multiple rooms are created from Microsoft Outlook. This scenario might also cause performance problems.

The simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) root directory that is created when the Reserve SMTP Agent is started. If the directory exists, the IBM TRIRIGA process must have write access to the directory.

For example:
  • On Microsoft Windows: c:\tririga\install\userfiles\smtp\in\
  • On UNIX: /tririga/install/userfiles/smtp/in/

The label that is displayed when a user connects the Microsoft Outlook client to the IBM TRIRIGA application server.

For multi-byte support, you must Unicode-escape your values according to the Java specification.

For example, TRIRIGA Reserve

SMTP_PORT [Number]

The port that is used by the Reserve SMTP Agent for incoming SMTP traffic.

If the value is anything other than 25, then the administrator must route the SMTP traffic to that port value. This value is the port on which IBM TRIRIGA listens for SMTP traffic.

For example, 25.

SMTP_SUBJECT_PREFIX [String] When an outgoing email from IBM TRIRIGA is sent, this string will be prefixed to the Subject of the message. This is so you can tell the difference between Development, Test, and Production environments.

For example, [Dev].

The default value is blank.


If set to Y, enables your custom error page.

If set to N, a default error page is used.

The default value is N.


The path of the custom error page.


List of characters or strings to exclude from fields, which are separated by spaces. Used to avoid characters that can be treated as a script for cross-site scripting (XSS).

For example, < > & {


List characters or strings that are allowed in fields, which are separated by spaces. Regular expression characters must be escaped. For example, to allow the character ?, enter \\?

For example, \\? & \\( \\)


If set to Y, the special character restrictions that are defined in the EXCLUDE_CHARACTERS and ALLOWED_CHARACTERS properties are enforced for record publish names. An error occurs if the user tries to save a record with a publish name that includes a character in the EXCLUDE_CHARACTERS property.

The default value is N.


If set to Y, the platform checks the Oracle Database to see whether the table space block size exceeds 8K bytes.

The default value is N.

ErrorHandlerStrategy.MessageResetMinutes [Number]

The number of minutes the platform waits before it clears duplicate attention messages. When cleared, duplicate attention messages with counts greater than 1 show in a log entry.

The default value is 60.


This sets the default time zone. This is used when the user has not set their time zone in their My Profile and/or Employee record. Make sure this value matches the database and local application server OS.

For example, America/Los_Angeles.


This controls whether the My Profile Link is shown in the My Links portal section.

The default value is Y.


This controls whether the Preferences Link is shown in the top navigation.

If set to Y, the "Welcome, [name]" text in the welcome bar becomes a link that the user can click to open the My Profile record of that user.

The default value is N.


Use this property to add project security with the application security that governs records that are returned in queries and accessed through forms.

If set to Y, the user access to a record is controlled by the project security. This security is applied along with the other layers of security that control record access.

The default value is N.


Use this property to control form-level security in reports and queries.

If set to Y, the platform enforces the Security Group settings for the logged in user while a query is running. If the user does not have access to the records that are queried, no results are returned.

The default value is N.


Use this property to have security control whether report or query links are visible to the user. IBM TRIRIGA 10 and later implementations must set this value to Y and implementations of older versions must set this value to N.

If set to Y, license security and security group security control whether a user sees a report link.

If set to N, security does not control whether a user sees a report link.

The default value is Y.


If set to Y, autocomplete is available to users in every locator field for which it is configured. For more information about autocomplete for a locator field, see Application Building for the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform.

The default value is Y.


If set to Y, autocomplete is available to users in every single-record smart section for which it is configured. For more information about autocomplete for a single-record smart section, see Application Building for the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform.

The default value is Y.


The minimum number of characters a user must type to trigger autocomplete.

The default value is 3.


If set to Y, at server startup, the platform checks drawings to see whether any require reprocessing and reprocesses the drawings that need it.

If set to N, at server startup, the platform does not check drawings to see whether any require reprocessing.

The default value is Y.


Sets the client-side logging level for graphics sections.

The default value is ERROR.


Overrides all stroke (line) widths when a graphics section is exported to a .pdf file. On some larger-scale drawings, the width of lines can look thick when zoomed into the .pdf file at a high magnification. This property can be used to resolve that issue by setting the stroke width to a small constant value such as 0.0000001.

When the value is left blank, the exported .pdf file uses the stroke width that is defined per line in the graphic, which is derived from the line widths as published from the CAD drawing.

The default value is blank with no value specified.


The maximum number of child records that are shown in the hierarchy tree for Location, Organization, Geography, Classification, Cost Code, and newly created hierarchical trees. The application includes the child records of the root node in the count.

This property deals only with the display of the hierarchy tree.

The default value is 100.


The threshold of the cache load size for Oracle Database. This property is used to load the number of hierarchy nodes in the cache on server startup or cache rebuild for Oracle Database. If a lower value is used, then when a hierarchy node is accessed that is not in the cache, the server fetches from the database, and causes the cache to lazy load.

The value of this property should be greater than or equal to TREE_PAGING_SIZE.

The default value is 1000.


Controls which tree hierarchy types to exclude from hierarchy cache events. This prevents hierarchy types from being synchronized across servers.

The value of this property is a comma-delimited list of tree types.

For example, triCostCode.


Controls whether to rebuilt the hierarchy modules when cache is cleared during cleanup agent runs.

If the property is set to Y, the REBUILD_HIERARCHIES_ON_CACHE_REFRESH property is enabled.

Note: This process can be time consuming when there is a large amount of hierarchy data to rebuild and might increase the duration of the cleanup agent so it does not finish on time.

Consider the additional time it will take when setting the CLEAN_TIMEOUT property for the cleanup agent.

The default value is N. If the property is empty, the default behavior is applied.


Starting in TRIRIGA Application Platform 4.5.4, controls which additional hierarchy modules are rebuilt automatically when the hierarchy tree cache is cleared in either the admin console or when the Platform Maintenance Scheduler runs. This property is enabled when the REBUILD_HIERARCHIES_ON_CLEANUP property is set to Y or is empty.

The following modules are always rebuilt automatically:
  • Geography
  • Organization
  • Location

The value of this property is a comma-separated list of module names.

For example: Document,Classification.


Controls the automatic creation of record-level associations between new records and the current Capital Project.

If set to an association name, such as "Contains", the platform creates that specific record-level association automatically. This association definition must be defined from the Capital Project to the business object of the records that are being created in that project.

If set to blank (with no value specified), when records are created in a non-default project (or company level), the platform creates all record-level associations automatically. These associations correspond to the association definitions that are defined between the Capital Project business object and the business object of the newly created record.

If the association definition does not exist from the Capital Project to the business object of the created record, no record-level association is created automatically.

The value is case-sensitive and must be identical to the value defined in the Data Modeler. The property includes the following typical values:
  • "Contains" for IBM TRIRIGA 9 and later applications.
  • "Associated To" for IBM TRIRIGA 8i applications.

The default value is Contains.


Controls how the platform decides the project context of a record.

If set to Y or blank, the platform drives project behavior that is based on the project context of the current record. This context helps provide consistent record interactions, especially when a record in one project is opened within the portal context of a different project.

If set to N, the platform drives project behavior that is based on the portal project context.

The default value is Y.


Enables the Run Dynamic Query feature in Business Connect.

The default value is Y.


Establishes when the platform conducts the required field validations.

If set to Y, when a user moves from tab to tab, the platform does not check whether all required fields on the tab are specified. However, the platform still conducts field validations (for example, isNumeric). On state transitions, the platform checks required fields.

In addition, if set to Y, this property ensures that a record cannot be created unless all required fields are populated, regardless of the tab. This behavior also occurs in IBM TRIRIGA Connector for Business Applications where in previous releases only the required fields on the first tab were validated. This change has the potential to cause previously working integrations to fail. To resume the previous behavior, set this property to N.

If set to N, when a user moves from tab to tab, the platform checks that all required fields on the tab are specified. The platform also conducts field validations.

The default value is Y.


Sets the maximum number of actions that are displayed on a form before the platform puts the excess actions into the overflow button.

The platform does not count the Cancel action and the overflow button when it determines how many actions to display. The platform puts all secondary actions and normal actions that exceed this number into the overflow button.

The default value is 4.


Indicates which user sessions are logged to the SESSION_HISTORY table.

If set to WEB_USER, user sessions from IBM TRIRIGA Connector for Business Applications are not logged to the SESSION_HISTORY table.

The default value is WEB_USER.


Controls user security access to My Profile records.

If set to Y, the platform uses the Access All Profiles field in the group of the user to determine whether the user can access the My Profile record from another user. Additionally, the user's group controls the user access to the My Profile form and access to tabs, sections, actions, and other form elements.

If set to N, the user has administrator access to the user’s own My Profile record. If a user tries to access the My Profile record from another user, the platform applies standard group access controls.

The default value is Y.


The BIRT framework has changed how it handles parameter bindings for nested tables inside a parents footer row. If the table binds to the row of the parent, the value is no longer accessible.

Reports can be preprocessed at report runtime to handle this framework update in one of three ways.

  • FIX: The report design is updated automatically to use a workaround to run the report normally.
  • ERROR: The report fails and generates a detailed error message. Use this value to identify reports that need to be refactored.
  • DISABLED: The report is not modified. Use this value if report processing causes errors with other reports. All reports run as normal, but affected reports can return incorrect results.
BIRT_MEMORY_USAGE_LIMIT [Whole number from 0 to 100], [Blank]

The maximum percentage of available server memory that can be used while the query results of a BIRT report are assembled.

If the memory requirement for such a task exceeds the limit, the query yields an error because of insufficient resources. The query is the likely cause of the error. However, it is also possible that other concurrent processes used memory while the query was assembling its results.

Valid values are 0 to 100. The specific values of 0 and 100 disable any enforced limit and allow a single query by one user to run the server out of memory. An empty value or an invalid value is treated as a default value.

The default value is 35, which indicates that no set of query results can consume more than 35% of available memory. If this is a dedicated BIRT-only server, the default value can be increased to 70.


The number of milliseconds that the platform waits between polls of memory managed processes. An example of a memory managed process is running BIRT reports.

The default value is 1000, which equals 1 second.


The host name or IP address of the BIRT process server. Configure this value to offload the processing of BIRT reports to a separate process server.

For example:
  • ProcessServer

If this value is blank, all BIRT processing is done on the application server.


The port to send BIRT requests for processing. This value must be configured to offload the processing of BIRT reports. This port corresponds to the value of the BIRT_PROCESS_SERVER_LISTENING_PORT property on the BIRT process server.

Leave this value blank to process BIRT reports on the application server.


Configuring this port enables this server as a BIRT process server. The server listens for BIRT requests on this port.

For example, 47074.


This option enables Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) communication for BIRT requests.


The full path to the BIRT keystore.


The password for the BIRT keystore.


This is an option to allow BIRT reports to be exported with the .xlsx file extension. Set the property to TRUE when the BIRT reports to be exported have a direct connection and pull data directly from the database. If there are any issues with exporting when using the .xlsx extension, it is recommended to change this property to FALSE.

The default value is FALSE.


The list of URLs or external sites to allow for redirect. The URLs are separated by spaces.

IBM TRIRIGA blocks redirections to URLs that are not internal to IBM TRIRIGA. To allow a redirection to an external URL, enter that URL in the list.

For example,


Allows the "Extract, Transform, and Load" (ETL) processes to determine whether or not to use multiple database connections.

If set to Y, then the value of "Use Unique Connections" on the ETL determines whether to use one connection (On) or multiple connections (Off). Setting "Use Unique Connections" to Off in the ETL can improve performance for long-running ETLs, but can cause the application server to run out of database connections for large ETLs with lots of steps that access the database. In this case, it might be necessary to increase the maximum database connections for the application server.

If set to N, then the platform automatically sets "Use Unique Connections" to On when the ETL is running. Therefore only one database connection is used by the ETL.

The default value is N.


Allows an alert message to be displayed to a user whose session is about to expire.

If set to Y, then the session expiration redirects the browser to a session expiration page.

If set to N, then the session expiration redirection is disabled.

This property enables or disables the alert message only; it does not configure the session expiration. The session expiration timeout is configured in your application server software. For example, for Liberty profiles, you can edit the server.xml file located in the tririga/wlp/usr/server/tririgaServer directory. Update the httpSession invalidationTimeout value, measured in seconds.

The default value is N.


If the value of the SESSION_WARNING_ENABLED property is set to Y, then this threshold property allows the alert message to be displayed at a specific number of minutes before the session is set to expire.

This property configures the threshold time for the alert message only; it does not configure the session expiration. The session expiration timeout is configured in your application server software.

The default value is 2.


Inserts a value or description of the IBM TRIRIGA application version in the file header of the instance data export.

For example, 10.3.1.


Used for image uploads. Restricts file uploads of image files according to their file extensions. Separate the file extensions in the list with commas.

For a looser restriction, use this property. For a tighter restriction, use the COMPANY_FILE_UPLOAD_INCLUDE_EXTENSIONS property. If both properties are used, then the COMPANY_FILE_UPLOAD_INCLUDE_EXTENSIONS property takes precedence. If neither property is used, then file uploads are not restricted.

For example, .exe, .js, .sh

The default value is .exe


Used for image uploads. Restricts file uploads of image files according to their file extensions. Separate the file extensions in the list with commas.

For a looser restriction, use the COMPANY_FILE_UPLOAD_EXCLUDE_EXTENSIONS property. For a tighter restriction, use this property. If both properties are used, then this property takes precedence. If neither property is used, then file uploads are not restricted. This property does not cover Document Manager file uploads.

For example, .png, .bmp, .jpeg


Used for document uploads. Restricts file uploads according to their file extensions. Separate the file extensions in the list with commas.

For a looser restriction, use this property. For a tighter restriction, use the IMPORT_CONTENT_INCLUDE_EXTENSIONS property. If both properties are used, then the IMPORT_CONTENT_INCLUDE_EXTENSIONS property takes precedence. If neither property is used, then file uploads are not restricted.

For example, .exe, .js, .sh

The default value is .exe


Used for document uploads. Restricts file uploads according to their file extensions. Separate the file extensions in the list with commas.

For a looser restriction, use the IMPORT_CONTENT_EXCLUDE_EXTENSIONS property. For a tighter restriction, use this property. If both properties are used, then this property takes precedence. If neither property is used, then file uploads are not restricted. This property does not cover Document Manager file uploads.

For example, .doc, .docx, .pdf


Restricts the size of a file that a user can upload to IBM TRIRIGA. This property should be set to an integer value that represents the maximum upload file size in megabytes.

Valid values must be whole integers greater than 0.

The default is 20. If no value is set the system will automatically restrict the maximum upload to the default value of 20 megabytes.
Note: The actual file size can vary from file system to file system, based on the file system type, implementation, disk compression, drive cluster size, operating system, and browser that are used. These third-party products and properties are outside the control of IBM TRIRIGA.

Enables (Y) or disables (N) the Web Services Reliable Messaging Protocol ( Set the value to Y to enable.

The default is N.


The amount of time that must pass without receiving a message for the Reliable Message sequence to be considered terminated due to inactivity. This property applies only when the WS_RELIABLE_MESSAGING property is enabled.

Specify a value in milliseconds.

The default is 600000, which equals 10 minutes.


The interval at which an acknowledgment is received by the Reliable Message source for a given message. This property applies only when the WS_RELIABLE_MESSAGING property is enabled.

Specify a value in milliseconds.

The default is 4000, which equals 4 seconds.


The interval at which the Reliable Message destination sends asynchronous acknowledgments. This property applies only when the WS_RELIABLE_MESSAGING property is enabled.

Specify a value in milliseconds.

The default is 2000, which equals 2 seconds.

WS_RM_DELIVERY_ASSURANCE_TYPE AtMostOnce, AtLeastOnce, ExactlyOnce

The delivery assurance type of the Reliable Message. This property applies only when the WS_RELIABLE_MESSAGING property is enabled.

The default is AtMostOnce.


Enables (Y) or disables (N) the delivery assurance "in order" type of the Reliable Message. This "in order" assurance type can be combined with the delivery assurance type that is specified by the WS_RM_DELIVERY_ASSURANCE_TYPE property. Set the value to Y to enable.

The default is N.


The maximum number of query results that can be used in a smart query section. This maximum sets a threshold so that the results of a query do not get so large that the query section is unable to render.

The default value is 500.


Enables (Y) or disables (N) the "saveRecord" operation of the IBM TRIRIGA Connector for Business Applications (CBA).

By default (N), this property does not show errors from any invalid field values, unless the user does not have access, or a field reference such as a locator is invalid. Enable (Y) this property to allow the "saveRecord" operation to show errors on records that are attempting to be saved with invalid field values.

The default is N.


If set to Y, auto completion of login password is available.

The default value is Y. If no value is specified, this property defaults to Y.

OSLC_BASE_URI http://hostname:port/oslc.

Use this property to define the base URI for OSLC.


The ID of the OSLC resource that represents the My Profile business object.

The default value is triMyProfileRS.


The number of days the transaction records are kept. Transaction records are then truncated using smart object delete. Transaction records are physically removed from the database by the object cleanup process.

OSLC_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE http://hostname/ns/ism/smarter_physical_infrastructure#

Default OSLC namespace.


The port used in the SNMP Agent for incoming SNMP traps.

The default value is 161.


The IP protocol to use in the SNMP Agent for incoming SNMP traps.

The default value is UDP.


How many unsuccessful login attempts are allowed before the account is locked out.

The default value is -1, which disables this feature.


The list of decimal format patterns that require double grouping formatting. Characters are separated using semicolons.

For example, ##,##,###.00;##,##,###.##;#,##,###.00;#,##,###.##


Use this property to control how records are displayed in Master Detail navigation targets when clicked.


Enable the currency indicator in the total row of queries. When set to N, the total row of a query does not display the current indicator.

The default value is N.


Numeric fields can be configurable to display zero or empty when it is null

When set to N, all null currency and field numbers are displayed empty. A number field renders empty in a form and in a query with no editable fields when the value in the database is null.

When set to Y the fields are filled with 0 or .00. A number field renders zero in a form and in a query with no editable fields when the value in the database is null.

The default value is Y.


Scan for viruses when a file is uploaded to the system.

The default value is FALSE.


IP address of the virus scanner server. This property requires a value if the VIRUS_SCAN_ENABLED enabled property is set to TRUE.


Port used by the virus scanner server. This property requires a value if the VIRUS_SCAN_ENABLED enabled property is set to TRUE.


Determines the style of the form section action "Show Add". The default value is LIGHT_BUTTON.


Determines the style of links within an application, which includes the Refresh action in places such as the Project Tasks section on the Schedule tab of projects. The default value is LIGHT_BUTTON.

DEFAULT_CHART_COLORS [RRGGBB hexadecimal values]

Chart colors can be configured by using both the color preferences specified in your profile section, and values defined for the DEFAULT_CHART_COLORS property.

The value of this property is a comma-delimited list of hexadecimal color values in RRGGBB format.

For example, 326496, bac95a, 8c2c0e, e8c473.

CHART_EXPORT_SERVER [Host name or IP address]
Specifies the AnyChart Export Server to use for handling the conversion of a chart to a JPG, PDF, or PNG when "Save as JPG", "Save as PDF", or "Save as PNG" is selected from the chart. If this property is not set, will be used. See the following documentation for details on setting up an AnyChart Export Server:
Note: In the referenced documentation, the step detailed in the "How to Set the Path to Export Server" section is completed by setting the CHART_EXPORT_SERVER property. For example: http://localhost:2000

Specifies how many days to wait before deleting report history. The default value is 365.


Determines if the OM_PKG_HEADER record header for an object migration package should be kept in the database for audit purposes, or deleted from the database. The default value is FALSE.


Specifies how many days to wait before removing metadata of deleted objects from the database. This value must be set to a whole number greater than 0. The default value is 365.

PRESERVE_IMAGE_HEIGHT_WIDTH_QUERY_SECTION N,Y Determines how an image smaller than 50 pixels in height and width is displayed inside a query section when it is attached to a TRIRIGA record image field. When set to 'Y', the original height and width of the image is used when it is displayed in a query. This property does not affect the display of an image in other areas of the application.
CALENDAR_EVENT_MAX_OCCURRENCES [Number of occurrences] Set the maximum number of occurrences when creating a recurring booking. The greater the number of occurrences set for this variable, the less performance you get on this process.

Show or hide the HTML button in Notes fields. When enabled, clicking the HTML button opens the TinyMCE HTML Source Editor.

The default is TRUE.


If set to TRUE, strict enforcement of the As Soon As Possible constraint is enabled. Project behavior is the same as with the deprecated Gantt Java-based applet in previous releases.

Setting to TRUE forces all first tasks (tasks without incoming dependencies) to start directly on either the Planned Project Start Date or Planned Project End Date depending on the value that is specified for Calculate Project From. All next tasks are moved left or right to be as close as possible to their ancestors and to not violate any dependencies or constraints.

If set to FALSE, all first tasks (tasks without incoming dependencies) are moved left as little as possible. Planned Task Start Date and End Date are honored and determine where the task is instead of the As Soon as Possible constraint. The next tasks are moved left only to correct dependencies. The next tasks need do not need to be close to their ancestors.

If set to MINIMAL, all first tasks (tasks without incoming dependencies) are moved left as little as possible. Planned Task Start Date and End Date are honored and determine where the task is instead of the As Soon as Possible constraint. All next tasks are moved left or right to be as close as possible to their ancestors and to not violate any dependency or constraints.

The default is FALSE.


If set to TRUE, the Gantt scheduler refrains (or is "locked") from changing the Planned Start and Planned End for a task that has already started when correcting dependencies and constraints. Only tasks that have not yet started will be corrected when fixing dependencies and constraints.

If set to FALSE, all tasks will be corrected when fixing dependencies and constraints.

The default is FALSE.


If set to TRUE, the Gantt scheduler updates Actual Start, End, Working Hours, and Duration values based on the Planned Start date and Actual Percent Complete fields. This business logic is similar to the Task Forms.

The default is TRUE, which reflects the legacy behavior.

  • If Actual Percent Complete = 100%, set Actual Start, End, Duration, Working Hours to Planned Start, End, Duration, Working Hours.
  • If Actual Percent Complete > 0, set Actual Start, End, Duration, Working Hours to Planned Start, 0, 0, 0.
  • If Actual Percent Complete = 0, set Actual Start to Planned Start if Actual Start > 0, else set to 0 and set Actual End, Duration, Working Hours to 0, 0, 0.

If set to FALSE, the Gantt scheduler does not update Actual values if the Actual Start Date is > 0. If Actual Start date is not set, the default behavior is followed.


Enables or disables the use of reverse associations during queries.

The default is FALSE.

Note: If your database is converted to enable Module Level Associations (MLA), the ALLOW_REVERSE_ASSOCIATION property will no longer be honored. The Reverse Association flag in queries and reports will be ignored, and only forward associations will be allowed in reports and queries.

Holds the license key for The Weather Channel API. The property is used by the triplat-weather UX components.


Enables or disables the Help and Support links on the IBM TRIRIGA main page. To enable these links, set the value to TRUE.

The default is FALSE.


Enables or disable the About link on the IBM TRIRIGA main page. To disable this link, set the value to FALSE.

The default is TRUE.


Checks the document permissions model when a user clicks a document record download link.

When set to TRUE, a user or groups ability to download a document must be set explicitly on the permissions tab of each document record that is created.

When set to FALSE, a user or group can download a record regardless of the group or user permissions set on the permissions tab.

The default is FALSE.


Enables or disables the ability to process reserve queries concurrently.

The default is TRUE.


If ENABLE_CONCURRENT_AVAILABILITY is set to TRUE, this property determines the maximum number of system wide threads that will be used in processing availability.

The default is 200.


If ENABLE_CONCURRENT_AVAILABILITY is set to TRUE, this property determines the maximum number of system wide threads that each availability request can use to process availability.

The default is 10.


If set to FORCE_CASE_INSENSITIVE, queries with Text values in the WHERE clause sort in case insensitive order. This setting is the legacy behavior.

If set to NATIVE_DB_CASE_SORT, queries with Text values in the WHERE clause sort according to the native database settings.

The default is NATIVE_DB_CASE_SORT.


This property should be effective when REPORT_CASE_SENSITIVE = FORCE_CASE_INSENSITIVE. It can be used in IBM DB2® and Oracle Database, but not in Microsoft SQL Server. SQL Server will be accent insensitive whereas DB2 and Oracle will be accent sensitive.

If set to Y, then queries with Text values in the WHERE clause will be accent insensitive.

If set to N, then queries with Text values in the WHERE clause will be accent sensitive.

The default value is N.


Limits the maximum file size, in megabytes, that the Performance Analyzer allows when processing or uploading log files.

The property is used to prevent large files from being processed. The larger the file size, the slower the loading of the logs and rendering of the Performance Analyzer form. To minimize the file size, process only specific user scenarios with the Performance Analyzer, particularly when using the SQL and Extended Formula logging, which generate more data than other categories.

The default is 50.


Defines the performance logging threshold, in milliseconds, where the operation must take longer than the threshold for the operation to be logged.

This property is only supported for Extended Formula, SQL, Report, and State Transition performance log settings. If the value is invalid or not set, then no threshold is defined and everything is logged.

The default is 100.


Changes the display format of time fields. There are two different time formats. The "standard" time format displays the time field in a 12-hour format with an AM/PM period value. The "military" time format displays the time field in a 24-hour format.

If set to TRUE, the time will be displayed in "standard" time format as 12:00:00 AM.

If set to FALSE, the time will be displayed in "military" time format as 00:00:00.

The default is TRUE.


Enables or disables the UX Framework developer configuration console for UX applications. This console can be used to clear cached application and translation files.

The default is FALSE.


Gives the customer the ability to decide how to contribute geography and organization security to queries and reports. OR and COALESCE are similar in that they use the IBS_SPEC_STRUCTURE table to determine to which organizations and geographies the user has access. OR is the original legacy implementation. COALESCE is an improvement on OR and is the recommended option unless you notice performance issues when running queries and reports as non-admin users. Analysis must be done before moving to the new PATH option since it has limitations.

PATH has the following limitations. The triPathSY must be in sync with the IBS_SPEC_STRUCTURE. User and group geography and organization values must be less (length wise) than the length of triPathSY on the geography and organization objects. See the IBM TRIRIGA Best Practices for System Performance for information on how to check triPathSY consistency and more information on the PATH option.

The default is COALESCE.


Used by the MissingNotificationsRecoveryTool upgrade class to restore notifications starting from a certain point in time until the present. By default, this tool will recover all missing notifications found in the system for all users. This process is run only once with the upgrade class.

To recover missing notifications based on the notification date or age, update only one of these parameters and enter a valid value. The first parameter NOTIFICATIONS_RECOVERY_FROM_DATE accepts a date format value. The valid format is MM/dd/yyyy (month/day/year). For example, to recover notifications from January 15, 2018 until today, enter the value of 01/15/2018. The second parameter NOTIFICATIONS_RECOVERY_AGE_DAYS accepts a number value. This value represents the number of days from which the recovery will start. For example, to recover notifications from 12 days ago until today, enter the value of 12.

Remove the <BLANK> parameter and update only one these parameters. If both parameters have valid values, then the platform will choose the first parameter NOTIFICATIONS_RECOVERY_FROM_DATE. For example, NOTIFICATIONS_RECOVERY_FROM_DATE = 01/15/2018. If both parameters have blank values, or if an invalid or unexpected value is entered for either parameter, then the platform will treat them as blank values (default) and will recover all missing notifications found in the system for all users.

The default value is <BLANK>.


Used by the MissingNotificationsRecoveryTool upgrade class to restore notifications starting from a certain point in time until the present. By default, this tool will recover all missing notifications found in the system for all users. This process is run only once with the upgrade class.

To recover missing notifications based on the notification date or age, update only one of these parameters and enter a valid value. The first parameter NOTIFICATIONS_RECOVERY_FROM_DATE accepts a date format value. The valid format is MM/dd/yyyy (month/day/year). For example, to recover notifications from January 15, 2018 until today, enter the value of 01/15/2018. The second parameter NOTIFICATIONS_RECOVERY_AGE_DAYS accepts a number value. This value represents the number of days from which the recovery will start. For example, to recover notifications from 12 days ago until today, enter the value of 12.

Remove the <BLANK> parameter and update only one these parameters. If both parameters have valid values, then the platform will choose the first parameter NOTIFICATIONS_RECOVERY_FROM_DATE. For example, NOTIFICATIONS_RECOVERY_FROM_DATE = 01/15/2018. If both parameters have blank values, or if an invalid or unexpected value is entered for either parameter, then the platform will treat them as blank values (default) and will recover all missing notifications found in the system for all users.

The default value is <BLANK>.

TRIRIGA_MODE [Valid mode]

The mode that is updated from the OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) container.

This property accepts the following values:

  • init: After the upgrade scripts are done, IBM TRIRIGA is terminated.
  • main: Main container. Proceed as usual.
  • wfa: Workflow Agent mode.

The server port number of the IBM Suite License Service (SLS).

SLS_SERVER_HOST [Host name or IP address]

The server host name or IP address of the IBM Suite License Service (SLS).


Enables (TRUE) or disables (FALSE) the IBM Suite License Service (SLS).


Enables (TRUE) or disables (FALSE) the manual heartbeats for the IBM Suite License Service (SLS).


The number of days before expiration when a warning is shown by the IBM Suite License Service (SLS).

The default is 7.


The number of available license points in the IBM Suite License Service (SLS).

The default is 7.


Enables (Yes) or disables (No) the "Bulk Activate" user synchronization process.

If there is any issue during "Bulk Activate", then you can disable this property.

The default value is Yes.


Enables (TRUE) or disables (FALSE) the redesigned styling and enhanced rendering of IBM TRIRIGA foundation forms.

The default value is FALSE.


The URL of the IBM TRIRIGA server, including the context path.

This property is used to display images in TRIRIGA notifications. This URL is different for each server and is server-specific.