To adjust the IBM® TRIRIGA® database connection properties, open the file.

Property Values Description
data_dbuser [String]

User used to connect to the database.

This value can be set to either an encrypted or unencrypted value.

data_dbpassword [String]

Password for the user used to connect to the database.

This value can be set to either an encrypted or unencrypted value.

data_dbname [String]

Name of the database.

data_data_tblspace [String]

The name of the data table space that is used to create tables in the data schema.

For example, a typical value is TRIDATA_DATA.

data_datafile [String]

Database file name for the data table space.

For example, a typical value is tridata_data01.dbf.

data_datasize [Number]

Size of the data table space database, measured in MB.

For example, a typical value is 2500.

data_index_tblspace [String]

The name of the index table space that is used to create tables in the data schema.

For example, a typical value is TRIDATA_INDX.

data_indxfile [String]

Database file name for the index table space.

For example, a typical value is tridata_indx01.dbf.

data_indxsize [Number]

Size of the index table space database, measured in MB.

For example, a typical value is 2500.

data_bufferpool_name [String]

The name of the buffer pool used by the TRIRIGA database.

For example, a typical value is TRIRIGABUFFERPOOL.

mbcs_support TRUE,FALSE

Support multibyte character sets in Microsoft SQL Server.

This value is set by the TRIRIGA Application Platform installation program. Do not change the value of this property directly in the file.

mbcs_collation [String]

Collation setting for the Microsoft SQL Server database.

The collation setting must include support for case and accent sensitivity.

For example, a typical value is Latin1_General_CS_AS.

This value is set by the TRIRIGA Application Platform installation program. Do not change the value of this property directly in the file.

upgrade_sort_area_size [Number]

Specifies in bytes the maximum amount of memory that Oracle uses for hash joins.

This setting is used during upgrade only.

upgrade_hash_area_size [Number]

Specifies in bytes the maximum amount of memory that Oracle uses to sort.

This setting is used during upgrade only.

upgrade_enable_parallel_dml TRUE,FALSE

Enable parallel DML handling for Oracle.

This setting is used during upgrade only.

upgrade_trace_level 0,1,2,4,8,12

Set Oracle trace levels for upgrade scripts.

  • 0 - no statistics
  • 1 - basic statistics CURSOR, PARSE, EXEC, FETCH ERROR, SORT UMAP, ERROR, UMAP, STATS and XCTEND. This is the same as setting sql_trace=true.
  • 2 - same as level 1
  • 4 - same as level 1 except adds BIND section.
  • 8 - same as level 1 except with wait events.
  • 12 - same as level 1 but includes binds and waits events. Trace file name will look like: orcl10_ora_nnnn_upgrade_level12.trc if the upgrade_trace_level = 12

This setting is used during upgrade only.


Use this setting to resolve an issue in TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 where IBM DB2® tables are created in a default table space and not the TRIRIGA table space.

Set to SKIP_UPGRADE to prevent the upgrade script from running.

Set to a comma separated list of table to be skipped. For example, if you purposely have a table, like DM_CONTENT in a different table space, you would set DB2_TABLES_OUTSIDE_TABLESPACE=DM_CONTENT.

This setting is used during upgrade only.