Error handling

If failures occur during an integration, the affected records are not saved. The integration instance summary displays the errors that occurred, and each record that failed is represented by an instance failure record. An instance failure record contains an instance record representation that you can manually edit and resubmit.

The Resubmit Record field in an instance failure (triIntegrationInstanceFailure) record is a note field that contains the key-value pairs that represent the record that you are trying to create or update. You can manually edit the data in the Resubmit Record field and then click the ReSubmit form action to resubmit the record.

When a resubmitted record is processed successfully, the following events occur:
  • The representation of the failed record changes from "Failure" to "Successful".
  • The text entries in the Error Message field and the Resubmit Record field are cleared.
  • The integration instance (triIntegrationInstance) record counts are updated to reflect the correct numbers. Specifically, the number in the Records Successful field is increased by one and the number in the Records Failed field is decreased by one.

When the Record Failed count is equal to zero, you can complete the integration object record with the Complete action.