Using Metadata Analysis tool

You can use the Metadata Analysis tab to cleanup your application's definition. Metadata can get out of sync over time as you develope and customize your Business Objects, Forms, Workflows, and queries. Newer Platform versions prevent you from removing fields from Business Objects without first removing them from Forms, Queries, and Workflows. Also, the updated publish routines resolve many issues.

Use the log as a guide for looking at various records in the system. If you don't see an issue or don't use a particular record type, ignore the message for that Business Object or Form. You can revise the Form or Business Object, look into the fields pointed out at the report, and republish, and that can help to resolve some issues.

For example:

2015-05-19 17:57:18,154 ERROR [com.tririga.platform.test.GuiRendererTest] Gui 16/1733: Failed to render: 'triADAComplianceCode' in Module: 'Classification'com.tririga.platform.gui.rendering.RendererException: Could not render tab: GuiTabMetadataImpl[Name=triGeneral,ID=1,GUI=GuiMetadataImpl[Name=triADAComplianceCode,ID=10040505]]

To resolve the issue, try opening a record of type triADAComplianceCode. In the sample environment used for this test, the Platform rendered the general tab OK. In most cases, it is sufficient to stop here, ignore the message, and move onto the next one.

If you do see an issue with the Form, open Form Builder, and find triADAComplianceCode in the Classification module. Make sure the form looks ok. You can try to revise and publish the Form. In some cases, the above message is resolved when you run the Metadata Analysis tool again.