
Currencies play a vital role in financial transactions, especially for an organization that manages projects in multiple countries. In IBM® TRIRIGA®, you can establish a base currency in the file, and you can automatically calculate values for other currencies.

Currency types, such as US Dollars and Euro, are in the Unit of Measure (UOM) values. You can find these currency types by selecting Tools > Administration > Unit of Measure (UOM) > Values. Limited support is available for globalization of currency types to your preferred language. When you create a record, and your My Profile record specifies a preferred currency, that currency is the default currency for all number fields that have Currency for their UOM. If you do not specify a currency in your My Profile record, the default currency is the default that is specified in the individual field.

If you have specified a currency default value, the currency fields display the currency's default display mask but with decimal and grouping separators that are based on your locale as specified by the User Language that is selected in your user profile.

Tip: For a currency field, when the Data Modeler or the Form Builder do not have a custom display mask, and the display mask is changed for the currency value at Tools > Administration > Unit of Measure (UOM) > Values, the change will not take effect for users that have their My Profile default currency set to that value until the next time they sign out and log in again.
When entering currency, if a grouping separator is specified, it must use the grouping separator based on the user's locale. If you enter a decimal separator, the decimal separator must be based on the user's locale. For example, if French is the user's language with a space as the grouping separator and a comma as the decimal separator to create a contract with US dollars as the currency UOM, the user may enter the value 12345.00 to display as $12 345,00 in any of the following formats:
  • 12 345,00
  • 12345,00
  • 12345

The Currency Conversion component is used with financial transactions. To access currency conversion rates, select Tools > Administration > Currency Conversions. You can find the current exchange rates and exchange rate history in the conversion groups. You can use the conversion groups to gather exchange rates from multiple sources. If a currency conversion rate does not exist for the posting date and time of a financial transaction, the most recent currency conversion rate is used.

You must evaluate your use of currencies before you add data records. If you add or remove currencies after you add records, the records might lose data or have other conversion issues.

A currency rate cannot be deleted if its start date and time value are in the past. The currency rate record is retained for historical purposes. If you click Delete on a currency rate whose start date and time value is in the future, the currency rate is deleted immediately.