Upgrade preparation

What are the preparations for application upgrade? During preparation, you create and apply a custom object label to your In Progress objects and export several object reports. During upgrade, you use the reports to decide how to bring forward your object changes to the new TRIRIGA® application version.

Note: As of IBM® TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.6.0, snapshots are called revisions, and the Create Revision action also saves the UX metadata.
Note: Repeat the preparation and upgrade process for each TRIRIGA application version to which you upgrade. For example, if your TRIRIGA applications are currently at version 10.4.1 and you want to upgrade to 10.5.3, repeat the preparation and upgrade processes when you upgrade from 10.4.1 to 10.4.2, again when you upgrade from 10.4.2 to 10.5.0, and so on.


I. Before you begin

Note: In Progress vs. Root

If you ever did an application upgrade to a pre-10.5.0 application on IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform version 3.5.0 or, you might notice that many business objects, modules, forms, queries, or workflows that you did not modify are labeled In Progress. In this case, you can run the Root Object Label Cleanup utility that assigns the Root object label to those objects instead. Perform this step before you continue to the next step.

II. Preparation steps

For preparation, you create revisions of your UX metadata, create and apply a custom object label to your modified objects in the Object Label Manager, and generate several object lists that you will use during upgrade.

Note: Object Label Manager

The Object Label Manager menu option is not available in the System Setup menu, if you upgrade only the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform to version 3.5.3, but do not upgrade the IBM TRIRIGA applications to version 10.5.1 or higher. Your IBM TRIRIGA administrator or application developer can add the Object Label Manager menu option by adding the delivered navigation item, Master Detail - Object Label Manager to the desired navigation collection in the Navigation Builder.

You can also access the Object Label Manager in Report Manager. Go to System Reports, make sure the filter is cleared, and add "object label" to the Title filter. In the search results, run the query with the name, triPlatformObjectLabelManager - All Labels.

Step 1. Create a custom object label in Object Label Manager.

  • a. Select Tools > System Setup > System > Object Label Manager.
  • b. Click Add.
  • c. For Label owner, enter your company name or an abbreviated version of it. In this example, Acme.
  • d. For Label version, enter a number value. For this version, start with 1.0.
  • e. For Generated From, select the label that matches the IBM TRIRIGA application version installed on your environment. For example, IBM-T:10.5.1. Select Root:0.0 if your application version is earlier than 10.5.0.
  • f. Enter a Description that describes the intent of this object label.
  • g. Click Create.

Object Label Manager > Create Object Label

Example of creating an object label

Step 2. Create revisions of the UX metadata that you modified at the Application level, Model level, and Web View level.

  • a. The Create Revision action saves your changes and applies the In Progress object label to the UX metadata component and all of its dependent children components. For bulk changes to multiple UX metadata components, the Create Revision For Selected action and Create All Needed Revisions action are available on the landing page of the related UX app designer tool.

Model Designer > Create Revision

Example of creating a revision

Step 3. Apply your custom object label to the In Progress objects.

  • a. In the Object Label Manager, open your custom object label.
  • b. Click Apply Label To In Progress Objects.

Object Label Manager > Apply Label

Example of applying a label

Step 4. Export a list of objects (CSV file) that are associated with one or more custom labels ("Report 1").

  • a. In the Object Label Manager, select the custom object label to include in your report. If you labeled your objects with multiple custom object labels, select all of those custom labels. The objective is to get a list of all the changed objects.
  • b. Click Export Object List from Selected. A notification is created when the process is complete. Depending on the number of In Progress objects, this process might take a while.
  • c. Open the notification to see the name and location of the CSV file on the IBM TRIRIGA server. The file name starts with ObjectList_. For example, ObjectList_Acme 1.0.csv or ObjectList_MultiObjectLabels-1479760041203.csv.

Object Label Manager > Export Object List

Example of exporting an object list

Notification > Object List CSV File

Example of an object list CSV file

Step 5. Export an object changes report (TXT file) for your custom object labels ("Report 2"). This report contains all object changes that are associated with your custom object labels since the last label to which they belonged.

  • a. In the Object Label Manager, select the custom object label to include in your report. If you labeled your objects with multiple custom object labels, select all those custom object labels.
  • b. Click Export Object Changes from Selected. A notification is created when the process is complete. Depending on the number of In Progress objects, this process might take a while.
  • c. Open the notification to see the name and location of the TXT file on the IBM TRIRIGA server. The file name starts with ObjectChanges_. For example, ObjectChanges_Acme 1.0.txt or ObjectChanges_127925796127960110.txt.
Note: Object Changes Report

The object changes report ("Report 2") includes workflows and UX metadata. Keep in mind the following items.

For workflows, the report indicates only whether a workflow’s details are the same or different between revisions. To determine the exact differences, you must use the Text Export or Text Export Selected feature.
For UX metadata, the files that are attached to the Web View File metadata, such as HTML and CSS files, are included in comparison reports. But the reports indicate only whether the content files are the same or different. The details on the differences are not reported. When the report indicates No Differences on Web View Files, it means that all properties and any attached content files are the same.
  • If differences are reported on the content files, then to determine the exact differences, you can download the content files. For each object from which you want to download content, select the check box, and click the Download Content For Selected feature. Next, you can compare the versions by using an HTML "diff" tool.
  • For more information on comparing UX metadata, see Compare and merge HTML/JS views.

Object Label Manager > Export Object Changes

Example of exporting object changes

Notification > Object Changes TXT File

Example of an object changes TXT file