Importing language packs
Language packs contain the translated labels and data that
support the use of different languages. You use the Globalization
Manager to import language packs for record data and for labels.
Language packs
You use the language packs when you want to change the base language or to support secondary languages.
Creating language codes
IBM TRIRIGA includes a standard set of languages that are specified by language and country codes. If your language is not included, you can add the language to the list.
Finding imported languages
If you have administrative access, you can use the Administrator Console to find information about the language packs that are imported into IBM TRIRIGA . This information includes the name of the language packs, when the packs were imported, and by whom.
Importing language packs for data and labels
You use the Globalization Manager to import language packs for labels or record data. You can import XLIFF files in ZIP format. To import single XLIFF files, first zip them.