Associating documents to forms

You can use reports in many places in IBM® TRIRIGA®, such as form sections, portal sections, and the Reports tab in most forms.

About this task

To use a BIRT report in a form section, add the report to the Layout tab and the Includes/Forms tab of a form. In the Includes/Forms tab, associate the BIRT report to the IBM TRIRIGA form. As a result, the labels on the BIRT report can be exported for translation from the Globalization Manager.


  1. In IBM TRIRIGA, go to the Form Builder and open the form for which you developed the form report..
  2. Optional: Revise the form.
  3. Select the Layout tab and select the Show Reports property to ensure that the report appears in the Reports tab of a form.
  4. Select the Includes/Forms tab and select Add.
  5. Select the report file that you uploaded into the Document Manager and select OK.
  6. In the forms section, select the report file.
  7. Select Layout and select Publish.