Labels, themes, layers, and hatches for web graphics

Depending on your role, security level and access within the company, you can set up and manage labels, themes, layers, and hatches that control how web graphics are displayed in graphics sections.

To set up and control labels, themes, layers, and hatches for your web graphics, click the links in the Tools > Administration > Graphics page.
Label Filter, Label Style
Labels display data from records that are associated with entities such as arcs, lines, and circles that are represented in graphic format in a web graphic.
Themes control the appearance of web graphics. You can also set a default theme to apply to all web graphics.
Layer Configuration
You can use layer configuration to control the display and filtering of drawing layers and drawing entities in a web graphic.
Hatch Patterns
The hatch patterns that you configure in the IBM® TRIRIGA® CAD Integrator/Publisher can be displayed in the graphics section.