Identifiers for entities in drawings

Entities are drawing objects such as arcs, lines, and circles that are represented in graphic format. Entities are named according to Autodesk AutoCAD naming conventions. When you publish a computer-aided design (CAD) drawing in Drawing Exchange Format (DXF) format, identifiers are associated with entities to comply with the DXF specification.

Drawing entity identifiers

The following table shows the identifiers that are associated with drawing entities according to the DXF specification.
Drawing entity Identifier
Arc AcDbArc
Block/X-Reference Insert - includes SeqEnd handling AcDbBlockReference
Circle AcDbCircle
Ellipse AcDbEllipse
Line AcDbLine
MText - Multi-line text AcDbMText
Point AcDbPoint
Polyline/LWPolyline AcDbPolyline, AcDb2dPolyline, AcDb3dPolyline
Spline AcDbSpline
Text AcDbText
Vertex - part of a Polyline AcDbVertex, AcDb2dVertex, or AcDb3dVertex
Attribute blocks 'AttDef', 'Attribute'
3DFace AcDbFace

The Graphics section can control the layer visibility of block inserts only from the layer on which the block is inserted, not the layers on which the individual entities within the block reside.