Functional requirements

Data Integrator has several functional requirements that affect publish names, tab-delimited file formats, and parent paths. When these requirements are met, the Header File is in a compatible format.

Publish names

All business objects must be published before users can access them. The Publish menu item is on the Tools tab in the Data Modeler. It is important to include all fields that define a business object’s Publish Name in the data upload. Typically, a name or ID field is used as the Publish Name, but other fields can be used.

For example, if the Publish Name for the triPeople business object consists of the surname, given name, and ID, then "Smith, John - 10025884" is the Publish Name. You can view the Publish Name definition for a business object by opening the business object in the Data Modeler and viewing the BO Mapping properties in the Tools menu.

For Publish Names containing control number fields, the Publish Name must be redefined to a unique value that does not use a control number. After the upload is finished, you can change the Publish Name back to using the control number field.

Attention: The Publish Name must not contain a Control Number field when existing records are updated in IBM® TRIRIGA®. This situation causes a new record to be created instead.

Tab-delimited file format

If all Publish Name fields are in the Header File and spelled properly, the only other functional requirement is that the file must be output into a tab-delimited file. The file extension must be .txt, but the file name can be whatever is preferred.

Parent paths

To upload Hierarchical record data into Hierarchical modules and business objects, the Parent column must contain the full path of the uploaded record’s parent. Failure to define a proper Parent path results in orphaned records that do not display in the hierarchy window.