Graphic report options
When you define a Graphic report, you can specify options for the standard report characteristics, the column display, and the legend properties.
General section options
You can provide
the following general information.
- Header (Title)
- Enter a header for this Graphic report. This header also provides the Graphic report legend title.
- Type
- Select the Graphic report type.
- Data Scope
- Select how to limit the records that are accessible to the standard report.
Options sub tab options
In the Options sub
tab, you can select the following preferred options for your Graphic
report legend.
- Color By
- Select how the Graphic report legend should group the results that it colors: Unique Record or Unique Value.
- Unique Record (default)
- The legend groups its colored rows by each unique record found in the report result. The values of the grouped fields are inconsequential.
- Unique Value
- The legend groups its colored rows by each unique value of a field. This option provides the ability to group by a field value directly on the primary business object, as well as unique values on associated data. For example, two organizations named "Development" under two different parent objects would be grouped and colored as a single row in the legend.
In the Options sub tab,
you can select the following preferred options for your Graphic report
when it is run as a standard report.
- Show in Web Graphics
- Check this box to display the standard report to users of Graphics sections in IBM® TRIRIGA®. If a Graphic report does not need to be displayed to all of your IBM TRIRIGA users, you can uncheck this box. Reports that uncheck this box display for IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher users only.
- Sum All for Color By
- Check this box to enable the sum aggregation. Sum aggregation sums fields on a Color By graphic report even when multiple Group By resolves to the same record for the same space, which is the same behavior as Group By in normal reports. This check box is applicable only when a Sum field is specified in the graphic report.
- Fixed Column Count
- Enter the number of columns on the left to be fixed in the standard report.
- Result Size
- Select the default size for the results that are displayed in the standard report.
- Excel Template
- Use the Select icon to choose a template from the Document Manager and display the standard report in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format.
- Prompt Before Query
- Check this box to allow users to enter runtime filters and specify initial criteria before the standard report is executed.
- Editable
- Select whether users can edit the displayed values directly in the standard report.
Column tab options
In the Columns tab, you can select the columns to display in your Graphic report legend and Graphic report when it is run as a standard report. While the Columns tab on Graphic reports is similar to the Columns tab on the other report types, each column added for display also contains options for configuration and display within the Graphic report legend.
In the Report Label column, you can enter the labels for the column headers when the Graphic report is run as a standard report. These labels also provide the column header titles in the Graphic report legend.
In the Legend column,
you can select the following preferred options for your Graphic report
- Empty (default)
- If this selection is left empty, this field does not appear in the legend, but still displays if the Graphic report is run as a standard report.
- Color By
- This property can be selected for one display field only. This field acts as a “group by” in the legend, and is used as the display value for each color group in the legend.
- Color Field
- If the Color By property is chosen, you can specifically select the color field for your Color By grouping with this property. The Color Field must be from the same business object as the Color By. If no Color Field is specified, the system generates a random color for each unique Color By group. This property can only be selected when coloring by Unique Record (via the Options sub tab).
- Count
- This property can be selected only when the Color By field is also selected. This property indicates that the number of results for this field value for each Color By group should be counted with the total count displayed but with the field value itself not displayed. If Show Total is on under Preferences, a Total row appears at the bottom of the legend and it displays the total count for all rows. In graphic reports, Count works similar to Sum, except instead of aggregating the value of the field, it counts the number of records. When picking a field to Count by, it is best to select a field that will have unique values for each record result to enable correct aggregation.
- Display
- This property indicates that the field value displays "as is" in the legend. A display field can be pulled from the Color By business object only.
- Hatch
- This property can be selected for locator fields only. This property defines the hatch pattern that you want IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher to display when a report is applied. The hatch pattern is displayed for IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher users only. For more information, search for "CAD hatch" in the IBM TRIRIGA product documentation.
- Sum
- This property can be selected for number fields only when a Color By field is also selected. This property sums the field values for each Color By group. If Show Total is on under Preferences, a Total row appears at the bottom of the legend and it displays the total sum for all rows. The sum aggregation does not count Group By results that resolve to the same record on the same space, unless the Sum All for Color By check box is checked in the graphic report options.
Additional options
In the remaining tabs, you can specify further selections. While the remaining tabs on Graphic
reports are identical to the tabs on the other report types, consider the following items.
- Group By
- Grouping does not apply to the Graphic report legend, but still influences the Graphic report when run as a standard report.
- Order By
- Ordering determines the order of the items that are displayed in the Graphic report legend.