Defining report columns

The Columns tab defines which fields are used in the report. The fields that you select are shown as the columns in the report.

About this task

The information in the Columns tab is organized into sections. The Business Object section indicates the source business objects. The Columns section identifies which fields in the selected business object to include in the report. The Display Columns section specifies the order in which the selected fields are presented and the labels that are used to identify them.

Note: In the Columns tab, when fields from the smart section of a business object are needed as columns in the report, do not select fields directly from the smart section. Instead, add the smart section's business object as an associated business object to the query. Then, in the Columns tab, select the fields from the selected associated business object.


  1. Select the business objects.
  2. In the Columns section, select the check box for each field to include in the report.
  3. In the Display Columns section, edit the text in the Report Label text box.
  4. To specify a percentage for the display space for a field, specify a numerical value in the Width text box.
  5. Select Save.