Adding business objects to reports

The business objects that are in a report identify the data that is available for a report. The report works only with data from the specified business objects.


  1. On the Business Object subtab, select Add Business Object.
  2. Select a module.
  3. Select one or more business objects.
    Tip: A report query against multiple business objects reads the metadata from the base business object. For datetime values to work correctly, the Relative property on the field on the base business object must match the other business objects in the same module.
  4. Select one or more forms. Only the data that is associated with the forms that are specified are included in the report.
  5. Save the report.
  6. Optional: To add a child business object, select the parent business object and select Add Business Object.
  7. Select one or more associate options.
  8. To designate the object as the primary associated business object, select the Primary Associated Business Object check box. The primary associated business object is at the top of a hierarchical structure. If you clear the check box, the next associated business object in the hierarchical structure is the primary associated business object.
  9. Save the report.